
C++ program to create a class to read and add two distance


C++ program to create a class to read and add two distance

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Adding two distances using class program in C++


/*C++ program to create a class to read and add two distance. */
#include  <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Distance
        int feet;
        int inch;
             Distance (); //Constructor
        void getDist  ();
        void showDist ();
        Distance addDist( Distance d2 );
        Distance subDist( Distance d2 );
Distance:: Distance ()
    feet = 0; inch = 0;
void Distance:: getDist()
    cout << "Enter Value of feets : "; cin >> feet;
    cout << "Enter value of inches : "; cin >> inch;
    inch = (inch >= 12) ? 12 : inch;
void Distance:: showDist()
    cout << endl << "\tFeets : " << feet;
    cout << endl << "\tInches: " << inch;
Distance Distance:: addDist( Distance d2 )
    Distance temp;
    temp.feet = feet + d2.feet;
    temp.inch = inch + d2.inch;
    if( temp.inch >= 12)
        temp.inch -= 12;        
    return temp;    
Distance Distance:: subDist( Distance d2 )
    Distance temp;
    temp.feet = feet - d2.feet;
    temp.inch = inch - d2.inch;
    if( temp.inch < 0 )
        temp.inch = 12 + temp.inch;     
    return temp;    
int main()
    Distance d1;
    Distance d2;
    Distance d3;
    Distance d4;
    cout << "Enter Distance1 : " << endl;
    cout << "Enter Distance2 : " << endl;
    d3 = d1.addDist(d2);
    d4 = d1.subDist(d2);
    cout << endl << "Distance1 : " ;
    cout << endl << "Distance2 : " ;
    cout << endl << "Distance3 : " ;
    cout << endl << "Distance4 : " ;
    cout << endl;         
    return 0;


    Enter Distance1 : 
    Enter Value of feets : 10
    Enter value of inches : 7
    Enter Distance2 : 
    Enter Value of feets : 15
    Enter value of inches : 8

    Distance1 : 
	    Feets : 10
	    Inches: 7
    Distance2 : 
	    Feets : 15
	    Inches: 8
    Distance3 : 
	    Feets : 26
	    Inches: 3

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