belongs to collection: C programs - Trees
Write C Program finds the number of nodes in a Binary tree.
C Program to Find the Number of Nodes in a Binary Tree - Source code
struct bt_node { int value; struct bt_node *l; struct bt_node *r; }; typedef struct bt_node node; node *ptr, *root = NULL; void create_binary(); void pre_order(node *); int count(node*); node* add(int); int main() { int c; create_binary(); pre_order(root); c = count(root); printf("\nNumber of nodes in binary tree are:%d\n", c); } void create_binary() { root = add(50); root->l = add(20); root->r = add(30); root->l->l = add(70); root->l->r = add(80); root->l->l->l = add(10); root->l->l->r = add(40); root->l->r->r = add(60); } /* Add the node to binary tree */ node* add(int val) { ptr = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node)); if (ptr == NULL) { printf("Memory was not allocated"); return; } ptr->value = val; ptr->l = NULL; ptr->r = NULL; return ptr; } /* counting the number of nodes in a tree */ int count(node *n) { int c = 1; if (n == NULL) return 0; else { c += count(n->l); c += count(n->r); return c; } } /* Displaying the nodes of tree using preorder traversal*/ void pre_order(node *t) { if (t != NULL) { printf("%d->", t->value); pre_order(t->l); pre_order(t->r); } }
Program Output
50->20->70->10->40->80->60->30-> Number of nodes in binary tree are:8
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C Program to Find the Number of Nodes in a Binary Tree - Source code
Program Output
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