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an introduction to object oriented programming

Chapter: 5 / Q: 8
Write an application named OddNums that displays all the odd numbers from 1 through 99
Chapter: 5 / Q: 9
Write an application named Sum200 that sums the integers from 1 through 200. Display the running total when the program is halfway complete (after the first 100 numbers), and at the end
Chapter: NA / Q: 10
Write an application named Perfect that displays every perfect number from 1 through 10,000. A number is perfect if it equals the sum of all the smaller positive integers that divide evenly into it. For example, 6 is perfect because 1, 2, and 3 divide evenly into it and their sum is 6
Chapter: N/A / Q: 11
In a “You Do It” section of this chapter, you created a tipping table for patrons to use when analyzing their restaurant bills. Now, create a modified program named TippingTable3 in which each of the following values is obtained from user input:
Chapter: N/A / Q: 12
Write a program named WebAddress that asks a user for a business name. Suggest a good Web address by adding www. to the front of the name, removing all spaces from the name, and adding .com to the end of the name
Chapter: N/A / Q: 13
Write a program named CountVowels that accepts a phrase from the user and counts the number of vowels in the phrase. For this exercise, count both uppercase and lowercase vowels, but do not consider y to be a vowel
Chapter: N/A / Q: 14
In Chapter 4, you created a program that generates a random number, allows a user to guess it, and displays a message indicating whether the guess is too low, too high, or correct. Now, create a modified program called GuessingGame2 in which the user can continue to enter values
Chapter: 3 / Q: 4PE
write a gui program named EggsInteractiveGUI that allows a user to input the number of eggs produced in a month by each of five chicken
Chapter: 3 / Q: 6PE
Write a GUI program namedPayrollGUI that prompts the user for a name, SocialSecurity number, hourly pay rate, and number of hours worked. In an attractive format,display all the input data as well as the following:
Chapter: N/A / Q: 6
Write a program named CheckMonth2 that prompts a user to enter a birth month and day
total questions: 30




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