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an introduction to object oriented programming

Chapter: 2 / Q: 15
Write a program named FahrenheitToCelsius that accepts a temperature in Fahrenheit from a user and converts it to Celsius by subtracting 32 from the Fahrenheit value and multiplying the result by 5/9. Display both values to one decimal place
Chapter: 2 / Q: 16
Create an enumeration named Month that holds values for the months of the year, starting with JANUARY equal to 1. Write a program named MonthNames that prompts the user for a month integer. Convert the user’s entry to a Month value, and display it
Chapter: 2 / Q: 17
Create an enumeration named Planet that holds the names for the eight planets in our solar system, starting with MERCURY and ending with NEPTUNE. Write a program named Planets that prompts the user for a numeric position, and display the name of the planet that is in the requested position
Chapter: 5 / Q: 1
Write an application named SumFiveInts that allows the user to enter five integers and displays their sum
Chapter: 5 / Q: 2
Write an application named SumInts that allows the user to enter any number of integers continuously until the user enters 999. Display the sum of the values entered, not including 999
Chapter: 5 / Q: 3
Write an application named EnterUppercaseLetters that asks the user to type an uppercase letter from the keyboard. If the character entered is an uppercase letter, display OK; if it is not an uppercase letter, display an error message
Chapter: 5 / Q: 4
Write an application named DailyTemps that continuously prompts a user for a series of daily high temperatures until the user enters a sentinel value. Valid temperatures range from −20 through 130 Fahrenheit. When the user enters a valid temperature
Chapter: 5 / Q: 5
Danielle, Edward, and Francis are three salespeople at Holiday Homes. Write an application named HomeSales that prompts the user for a salesperson initial (D, E, or F). Either uppercase or lowercase initials are valid. While the user does not type Z, continue by prompting for the amount of a sale
Chapter: 5 / Q: 6
Write an application named DisplayMultiplicationTable that displays a table of the products of every combination of two integers from 1 through 10
Chapter: 5 / Q: 7
Write an application named MultiplicationTable that prompts the user for an integer value, for example 7. Then display the product of every integer from 1 through 10 when multiplied by the entered value
total questions: 30




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