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Chapter: 1 / Q: 51
A 76 year old man suddenly collapsed and died. At post mortem exam, a retroperitoneal hematoma due to ruptured aortic aneurysm was noted. What is the most likely underlying cause of the aortic aneurysm?
Chapter: 1 / Q: 52
A 33 year old male came to the hospital with complaint of occasional left sided chest pain that lasts <30mins, following exercise, which relieves upon taking rest. What is the most probable diagnosis?
Chapter: 1 / Q: 53
An 82 year old male suddenly becomes unconscious and fell down. He recovered completely within minutes. What is the best inv estigation you do to diagnose the case?
Chapter: 1 / Q: 54
A 56 year old man presents to the emergency department with chest pain. The following ECG was taken. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Chapter: 1 / Q: 55
A man comes to the emergency department with history of pulsatile swelling in the abdomen, he has history of hypertension and on examination: pulse 120bpm, BP 70/40mmHg. He is restless and in shock. What emergency management should be done on priority basis?
Chapter: 1 / Q: 56
A 72 year old man presents to the ED (emergency department) with chest pain. The following ECG was taken. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Chapter: 1 / Q: 57
A patient underwent hip surgery. Later he presents with SOB (shortness of breath) and chest pain. What is the diagnosis?
Chapter: 1 / Q: 58
A 25 year old man presents with history of breathlessness. A transthoracic echo reveals a patent foramen ovale. What diagnostic inv would you do for a patent foramen ovale?
Chapter: 1 / Q: 59
The body of a 65 year old man who was treated for TB and bronchitis was seen at autopsy. His legs were swollen and his liver showed signs of a transudate fluid. What was the cause of the transudate?
Chapter: 1 / Q: 60
A woman presents with history of falls, becomes pale and clumsy. She is hypertensive and takes atenolol, bendroflumethiazide and amlodipine. What investigation is needed?
total questions: 1721




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