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Chapter: 1 / Q: 71
A 56 year old man who is hypertensive recently underwent a change in medicines. 2days later he developed wheezing. Which drug can cause this?
Chapter: 1 / Q: 72
A hypertensive patient on bendroflumethiazide 2.5mg/d has come for his routine checkup. Examination: BP 145/85mmHg. Lab investigation: K+ 5.9, Na+ 137. What is the most appropriate management for this patient?
Chapter: 1 / Q: 73
A 57 year old man having hypertension is on oral anti-hypertensive. However, he is finding it difficult to mobilize as he feels dizzy whenever he tries to get up. What is the most appropriate investigation for him?
Chapter: 1 / Q: 74
After surgery a patient’s left leg has become swollen and tender. The diameter of the calf has increased and passive movements cause pain. What is the most probable diagnosis?
Chapter: 1 / Q: 75
A 50 year old female had swelling in her ankles. She is a known alcoholic. Now she presented with breathlessness and palpitations. What is the most likely cause of her condition?
Chapter: 1 / Q: 76
A 42 year old lady had corrective surgery for cyanotic congenital heart disease at the age of 3y, after a palliative operation during infancy. There is a parasternal impulse and an early diastolic murmur. What is the most probable diagnosis?
Chapter: 1 / Q: 77
What is the most likely diagnosis based on this ECG?
Chapter: 1 / Q: 78
Patient with pain and swelling in left leg and thigh up to the level of inguinal ligament. Where is the level of occlusion?
Chapter: 1 / Q: 79
A 65 year old man presents with dyspnea 3 day after an MI. On auscultation he has a pansystolic murmur at the apex radiating to the axilla. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Chapter: 1 / Q: 80
A 63 year old man presented with sudden onset of severe dyspnea, orthopnea, raised JVP and bilateral basal crackles 3 day after an episode of MI. A diagnosis of acute congestive cardiac failure was made and IV furosemide was started for this patient. What electrolyte abnormality is expected?
total questions: 1721




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