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Chapter: 4 / Q: 6
An elderly patient who is known to have DM presents to the hospital with drowsiness, tremors and confusion. What inv should be done to help in further management?
Chapter: 4 / Q: 7
A 34 year old woman is referred to the endocrine clinic with a history of thyrotoxicosis. At her 1st appointment she is found to have a smooth goiter, lid lag and bilateral exophthalmos with puffy eyelids and conjunctival injection. She wants to discuss the treatment of her thyroid problem as she is
Chapter: 4 / Q: 8
A 29 year old woman presents to her GP with a history of weight loss, heat intolerance, poor concentration and palpitations. Which of the following is most likely to be associated with diagnosis of thyroiditis associated with viral infection?
Chapter: 4 / Q: 9
A 67 year old male presents with polyuria and nocturia. His BMI=33, urine culture = negative for nitrates. What is the next diagnostic investigation?
Chapter: 4 / Q: 10
A 29 year old lady came to the ED with complaints of palpitations that have been there for the past 4 days and also feeling warmer than usual. Exam: HR=154bpm, irregular rhythm. What is the treatment for her condition?
Chapter: 4 / Q: 11
A 60 year old man with a 4 years history of thirst, urinary frequency and weight loss presents with a deep painless ulcer on the heel. What is the most appropriate investigation?
Chapter: 4 / Q: 12
A patient presents with weight loss of 5kgs despite good appetite. He also complains of palpitations, sweating and diarrhea. He has a lump in front of his neck which moves on swallowing. What is the most appropriate diagnosis?
Chapter: 4 / Q: 13
A 45 year old man with colon cancer now develops increased thirst, increased frequency in urination and weight loss. His fasting blood glucose=9mmol/L. what is the most appropriate management?
Chapter: 4 / Q: 14
A 60 year old diabetic patient on anti-diabetic medication developed diarrhea. What is the most likely cause for his diarrhea?
Chapter: 4 / Q: 15
A 79 year old woman has been diagnosed with T2DM. Her BMI is 22. RBS are 8 and 10mmol/l. Her BP is 130/80mmHg. Her fasting cholesterol is 5.7mmol/l. She is currently symptom-free but has microalbuminuria. What is the single most appropriate drug management?
total questions: 1721




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