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Chapter: 4 / Q: 26
A young girl who is known to have T1DM (type 1 diabetes mellitus) presented with drowsiness and deep breathing. Her sugar level 20. Her BP 120/80mmHg and her mucous membranes are dry. What would be the next appropriate step?
Chapter: 4 / Q: 27
A known DM was admitted with sudden LOC. What is the initial investigation?
Chapter: 4 / Q: 28
A patient was admitted with erectile dysfunction, reduced facial hair and galactorrhea. What is the most probable diagnosis?
Chapter: 4 / Q: 29
A 32yo man has been repeatedly admitted to hospital for what was described as anxiety or panic attacks and palpitations. On occasions he is found to be tremulous and hypertensive. A persistent weight loss is noted. What is the most probable dx?
Chapter: 4 / Q: 30
A 35 year old man with T1DM (type1 diabetes mellitus) is dehydrated with BP of 90/50mmHg. What is the single most appropriate initial investigation?
Chapter: 4 / Q: 31
In OGTT what is the glucose venous plasma level 2h after glucose intake which indicates impaired glucose tolerance?
Chapter: 4 / Q: 32
A 62 year old man diagnosed with T2DM with BMI 33. Lifestyle modifications have failed to control blood sugar. Laboratory investigations: urea 3.6mmol/l, creatinine 89mmol/l. what is the next appropriate management?
Chapter: 4 / Q: 33
A 68 year old woman diagnosed with Type2 DM and BMI 33. Laboratory investigations: GFR 29, urea 13, creatinine 390mmol/L. what is the next appropriate management?
Chapter: 4 / Q: 34
An 80 year old DM lady presents with redness and swelling over her right foot. It is tender to touch, warm and glossy. What are the complications this patient might develop?
Chapter: 4 / Q: 35
A 44 year old obese patient with findings: FBS 6mmol/l, OGTT 10mmol/l, 2 hours after 75 g of glucose. What is the most likely diagnosis?
total questions: 1721




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