Scala programming examples

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Scala program to read data from a file line by line
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Scala program to read data from a text file
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Scala program to create a file
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Scala program to convert the angle measured in the degree to radian using scala.math.toRadians() function
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Scala program to convert the angle measured radian to a degree using scala.math.toDegrees() function
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Scala program to calculate the IEEE remainder of given numbers using scala.math.IEEEremainder() function
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Scala program to calculate the cube root of a given number using scala.math.cbrt() function
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Scala program to get the absolute value of a given number using scala.math.abs() function
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Scala program to get the Euler\'s number e raised to the power of a Double number using scala.math.exp() function
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Scala program to get the base 10 logarithm of a Double number using scala.math.log10() function
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Scala program to get the natural logarithm of a Double number using scala.math.log() function
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Scala program to perform floor operation on given number using scala.math.floor() function
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Scala program to perform ceiling operation on given number using scala.math.ceil() function
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