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A queue is a first-in-first-out (FIFO) data structure. In Scala programming language, there are both types of queues immutable and mutable. A mutable queue is a queue that can be updated or extended in place. An immutable queue is a queue that can never change.

The two most basic operations of Queue are,

  • Enqueue – Adding an element at the end of the queue.
  • Dequeue – Deleting an element from the beginning of the queue.

This study list contains solved Scala Queue Programs, practice these Scala programs to learn the concept of Scala queues, these programs contain the solved code, outputs, and the detailed explanation of the statements, functions used in the Scala Queue Programs.


Scala program to create a queue using Queue collection class
Scala program to get the first item from the front-end in the queue
Scala program to add an item in the queue using enqueue() method
Scala program to delete an item from the queue using dequeue() method
Scala program to check a queue is empty or not
Scala program to remove all elements from the queue
Scala program to compare two queues using equals() method
Scala program to add items into the queue using the \'+=()\' method
Scala program to add items into the queue using the \'+:()\' method
Scala program to append a queue in another queue using the \'++=()\' method
Scala program to check a queue contains a specified item
Scala program to find the smallest element from the queue
Scala program to find the largest element from the queue
Scala program to calculate the sum of all queue elements
Scala program to print the last item of the queue
Scala program to get the first N item from the queue using take() method
Scala program to demonstrate the map() method of Queue class
total questions: 17





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