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C++ Basic Solved Programs —> C++ is a powerful general-purpose programming language. It is fast, portable and available in all platforms.

This page contains the C++ Basic solved programs/examples with solutions, here we are providing most important programs on each topic. Every example program includes the description of the program, C++ code as well as output of the program.


Here is the List of C++ Basic solved programs/examples with solutions and detailed explanation. All examples are compiled and tested on a Windows system.


Write a C++ Program to Display Number (Entered by the User)
Write a C++ Program to Add Two Numbers
C++ Program to Find Quotient and Remainder of 2 numbers
C++ Program to Swap Two Numbers without using third variable
C++ Program to Find Size of Int Float Double and Char Data types
Write a C++ Program to Calculate Multiplication of two Numbers
Write a C++ Program to Display ASCII Value of a Character
C++ Program to Generate Random Numbers between 0 and 100
C++ Program to Find Sum and Average of three numbers
C++ Program to convert inches to feet yards and inches
Write a C++ Program to raise any number X to power N
Write a C++ Program to find Addition of Two Numbers
Write a C++ Program to Convert Days Into Years Weeks and Days
Write a C++ Program to Convert Days Into Years Weeks and Days
C++ Program to find Square Root of a number using sqrt() function
Write a C++ Program to Calculate Compound Interest
C++ program to Find Cube of Number using MACROS
C++ Program to Find whether given Number is Odd or Even
C++ Program to Check Character is Uppercase, Lowercase, Digit or Special
C++ Program to Check whether a year is Leap year or not
total questions: 40





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