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Which of the following is used only for data entry and storage, and never for processing?
Non-volatile storage needs to have a _________ where the loses in future can be recovered
A dump of the database contents is also referred to as an _____________ dump
________ dump, writes out SQL DDL statements and SQL insert statements to a file, which can then be reexecuted to re-create the database
_________ dump schemes have been developed that allow transactions to be active while the dump is in progress
ARIES uses a ___________ to identify log records, and stores it in database pages
ARIES supports ___________ operations, which are physical in that the affected page is physically identified, but can be logical within the page
______________ is used to minimize unnecessary redos during recovery
__________ scheme that records only information about dirty pages and associated information and does not even require of writing dirty pages to disk
Whenever an update operation occurs on a page, the operation stores the LSN of its log record in the _______ field of the page
There are special redo-only log records generated during transaction rollback, called _________ in ARIES
The __________________ contains a list of pages that have been updated in the database buffer
___________ determines which transactions to undo,which pages were dirty at the time of the crash, and the LSN from which the redo pass should start
__________ starts from a position determined during analysis, and performs a redo, repeating history, to bring the database to a state it was in before the crash
______________ rolls back all transactions that were incomplete at the time of crash
Which lock should be obtained to prevent a concurrent transaction from executing a conflicting read, insert or delete operation on the same key value
The remote backup site is sometimes also called the
Remote backup system must be _________ with the primary site
The backup is taken by
When the __________ the backup site takes over processing and becomes the primary
total questions: 95





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