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Which of the following histogram processing techniques is global?
What happens to the output image when global Histogram equalization method is applied on smooth and noisy area of an image?
In terms of enhancement, what does mean and variance refers to?
What is standard deviation value for constant area?
For a local enhancement using mean and variance, what happens if the lowest value of contrast is not restricted as per the willingness of acceptance of value?
Logic operations between two or more images are performed on pixel-by-pixel basis, except for one that is performed on a single image. Which one is that?
Which of the following logical operator(s) is/are functionally complete?
While implementing logic operation on gray-scale images, the processing of pixel values is done as __________
What is the equivalent for a black, 8-bit pixel to be processed under logic operation on gray scale image?
Which of the following operation(s) is/are equivalent to negative transformation?
Which of the following operations are used for masking?
Two images having one pixel gray value 01010100 and 00000101 at the same location, are operated against AND operator. What would be the resultant pixel gray value at that location in the enhanced image?
Which of the following arithmetic operator is primarily used as a masking operator in enhancement?
Which of the following is/are more commercially successful image enhancement method in mask mode radiography, an area under medical imaging?
The subtraction operation results in areas that appear as dark shades of gray. Why?
If the images are displayed using 8-bits, then, what is the range of the value of an image if the image is a result of subtraction operation?
The subtracted image needs to be scaled, if 8-bit channel is used to display the subtracted images. So, the method of adding 255 to each pixel and then dividing by 2, has certain limits. What is/are those limits?
Which of the following is/are the fundamental factors that need tight control for difference based inspection work?
When can two random variables be uncorrelated?
In Image Averaging enhancement method assumptions are made for a noisy image g(x, y). What is/are those?
total questions: 107





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