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The power-law transformation is given as: s = crᵞ, c and ᵞ are positive constants, and r is the gray-level of image before processing and s after processing. Then, for what value of c and ᵞ does power-law transformation becomes identity transformation?
Which of the following transformation is used cathode ray tube (CRT) devices?
Log transformation is generally used in which of the following device(s)?
The power-law transformation is given as: s = crᵞ, c and ᵞ are positive constants, and r is the gray-level of image before processing and s after processing. What happens if we increase the gamma value from 0.3 to 0.7?
If h(rk) = nk, rk the kth gray level and nk total pixels with gray level rk, is a histogram in gray level range [0, L – 1]. Then how can we normalize a histogram?
What is the sum of all components of a normalized histogram?
A low contrast image will have what kind of histogram when, the histogram, h(rk) = nk, rk the kth gray level and nk total pixels with gray level rk, is plotted nk versus rk?
A bright image will have what kind of histogram, when the histogram, h(rk) = nk, rk the kth gray level and nk total pixels with gray level rk, is plotted nk versus rk?
The transformation s = T(r) producing a gray level s for each pixel value r of input image. Then, if the T(r) is single valued in interval 0 ≤ r ≤ 1, what does it signifies?
The transformation s = T(r) producing a gray level s for each pixel value r of input image. Then, if the T(r) is monotonically increasing in interval 0 ≤ r ≤ 1, what does it signifies?
The transformation s = T(r) producing a gray level s for each pixel value r of input image. Then, if the T(r) is satisfying 0 ≤ T(r) ≤ 1 in interval 0 ≤ r ≤ 1, what does it signifies?
What is the full form for PDF, a fundamental descriptor of random variables i.e. gray values in an image?
What is the full form of CDF?
For the transformation T(r) = [∫0^r pr(w) dw], r is gray value of input image, pr(r) is PDF of random variable r and w is a dummy variable. If, the PDF are always positive and that the function under integral gives the area under the function, the transformation is said to be __________
The transformation T (rk) = ∑k(j=0) nj /n, k = 0, 1, 2, …, L-1, where L is max gray value possible and r-k is the kth gray level, is called _______
If the histogram of same images, with different contrast, are different, then what is the relation between the histogram equalized images?
The technique of Enhancement that has a specified Histogram processed image as result, is called?
In Histogram Matching r and z are gray level of input and output image and p stands for PDF, then, what does pz(z) stands for?
Inverse transformation plays an important role in which of the following Histogram processing Techniques?
In Histogram Matching or Specification, z = G^-1[T(r)], r and z are gray level of input and output image and T & G are transformations, to confirm the single value and monotonous of G^-1 what of the following is/are required?
total questions: 107





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