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We are trying to list out the most frequently asked interview problems or the problem given in the coding rounds of IT giants.


Given N number of parenthesis (pair of opening and closing parenthesis), you have to print the valid combinations of the parenthesis and print the value
Given N number of parenthesis (pair of opening and closing parenthesis), you have to count all the valid combinations of the parenthesis and print the value
Given an array of integers A[] and a positive integer k, find whether it\'s possible to divide this array into k non-empty subsets whose sums are all equal
Given a number n, count minimum steps to minimize it to 1
You are standing in some location (x, y) on an island, given in form of a matrix of size N*M, you are allowed to move in all four directions left, right, up and down. You can move only one step at a time, if you step out of the matrix region then you die
You are given a list of jobs where each job has a start time, finish time, and the profit associated with that job, find the maximum profit subset of non-overlapping jobs
Given a string, find out if the string is K-palindrome or not. A k-palindrome string transforms into a palindrome on removing at most k characters from it
You are given a staircase, you need to find the total number of ways to reach the nth stair from the bottom of the staircase when you are only allowed to climb 1, 2 or 3 stairs at a time
Given the mobile numeric keypad. You can only press buttons that are up, left, right or down to the current button
Given a rectangular matrix of size N*M, we can move from the current cell in 4 directions with equal probability
Given a rope of length n meters, cut the rope in different parts of integer lengths in a way that maximizes the product of lengths of all parts. You must make at least one cut
Given an array A of N positive integers. Find the sum of maximum sum increasing subsequence of the given array
Given a N*M binary matrix find the size of largest square sub-matrix of 1\'s present in it
You are given a matrix of size N*M with each cell having some values, you need to find the number of paths from first cell to last bottom right cell such that the path has exactly given sum. You can only move in two direction either right or down
Given an array of integers and a sum, the task is to count all subsets of a given array with the sum equal to the given sum
Given a set of non-negative integers, and a value sum, determine if there is a subset of the given set with a sum equal to the given sum
total questions: 37





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