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We are trying to list out the most frequently asked interview problems or the problem given in the coding rounds of IT giants.


Given an array of integers where each element represents the max number of steps that can be made forward from that element
Given a M X N matrix with initial position at top-left cell, find the number of possible unique paths to reach the bottom right cell of the matrix from the initial position
Given two strings S and T, find the number of times the second string occurs in the first string, whether continuous or discontinuous as subsequence
Given a number n, we can divide it into only three parts n/2, n/3 and n/4 (we will consider only integer part). The task is to find the maximum sum we can make by dividing the number into three parts recursively and summing up them together
Given an array you have to print the longest bitonic subsequence from the array. A bitonic sequence is a sequence where numbers of that sequence are sorted and they are increasing first then decreasing
Given a string you have to find out the longest palindromic subsequence from the given string
Given a string you have to find out the length of the longest palindromic subsequence from the given string
Given a string you have to count the total number of palindromic subsequences in the giving string and print the value
Given an array of size n and a sum K, determine whether any subset is possible with that sum or not. Print \"yes\" if there is any subset present else print \"no\"
Given a set of numbers, check whether it can be partitioned into two subsets or not such that the sum of elements in both subsets is same
Given an integer N denoting the Length of a rod, one needs to cut the rod in such a way that the cut length of the rod segment each time is integer either x, y or z and after performing all cutting operation the total number of cut segments must be maximum
There is a shop which sells pizza of three different sizes- Small, Medium, and Large Pizza. IncludeHelp is crazy for Pizzas
Shivang is a blog writer and he is working on two websites simultaneously. He has to write two types of blogs
Given a square matrix of size n x n, find the sum of the Zigzag sequence with the largest sum. A zigzag sequence starts from the top and ends at the bottom. Two consecutive elements of sequence cannot belong to the same column
There is a grid with size NX4 and you have only one type of tiles to construct the grid. You can place either vertically or horizontally. You need to find, how many ways you can construct a grid of size N x 4 using the 1X4 tiles
Given string str find the minimum number of deletions such that the resultant string is a palindrome
Given two strings string1 and string2 find the minimum cost required to make the given two strings identical. We can delete characters from both the strings. The cost of deleting a character from string1 is costX and string2 is costY
Given two strings, you have to find the shortest common super sequence between them and print the length of the super sequence
Given two strings, you have to find and print the longest common subsequence between them
Given n wines in a row, with integers denoting the cost of each wine respectively. Each year you can sale the first or the last wine in the row
total questions: 87





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