
Remove empty strings from a list of strings using python programming


Remove empty strings from a list of strings


str_list = ["Emma", "Jon", "", "Kelly", None, "Eric", ""]

Expected Output:

Original list of sting
['Emma', 'Jon', '', 'Kelly', None, 'Eric', '']

After removing empty strings
['Emma', 'Jon', 'Kelly', 'Eric']

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  • Use the built-in function filter() to remove empty strings from a list
  • Or use the for loop and if condition to remove the empty strings from a list

Solution1:Using the loop and if condition

str_list = ["Emma", "Jon", "", "Kelly", None, "Eric", ""]
res_list = []
for s in str_list:
    # check for non empty string
    if s:

Solution2:Using the built-in function filter()

str_list = ["Emma", "Jon", "", "Kelly", None, "Eric", ""]

# use built-in function filter to filter empty value
new_str_list = list(filter(None, str_list))

print("After removing empty strings")

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