
Arrange string characters such that lowercase letters should come first using python programming


Arrange string characters such that lowercase letters should come first

Given string contains a combination of the lower and upper case letters. Write a program to arrange the characters of a string so that all lowercase letters should come first.


str1 = PyNaTive

Expected Output:


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Iterate each character from a string and check if the current character is the lower or upper case using islower() string function


  • Create two lists lower and upper
  • Iterate a string using a for loop
  • In each loop iteration, check if the current character is the lower or upper case using the islower() string function.
  • If a character is the lower case, add it to the lower list, else add it to the upper list
  • to join the lower and upper list using a join() function.
  • convert list to string
  • print the final string
str1 = "PYnAtivE"
print('Original String:', str1)
lower = []
upper = []
for char in str1:
    if char.islower():
        # add lowercase characters to lower list
        # add uppercase characters to lower list

# Join both list
sorted_str = ''.join(lower + upper)
print('Result:', sorted_str)



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