String index starts with index 0. The first character is present at index 0, and the last character is at the index string’s length -1
Use built-in function len(s1) to get the string length.
Next, get the middle index number by dividing string length by 2.
Get the first character from both strings, concatenate them, and store them in variable x
Get the middle character from both strings, concatenate them, and store them in variable y
Get the last character from both strings, concatenate them, and store them in variable x
In the end, join x, y, and z and save it in the result variable
print the result
def mix_string(s1, s2):
# get first character from both string
first_char = s1[0] + s2[0]
# get middle character from both string
middle_char = s1[int(len(s1) / 2):int(len(s1) / 2) + 1] + s2[int(len(s2) / 2):int(len(s2) / 2) + 1]
# get last character from both string
last_char = s1[len(s1) - 1] + s2[len(s2) - 1]
# add all
res = first_char + middle_char + last_char
print("Mix String is ", res)
s1 = "America"
s2 = "Japan"
mix_string(s1, s2)
to get the string length.Solution:
, andz
and save it in the resultvariable