
Create a new string made of the first, middle, and last characters of each input string using python programming


Create a new string made of the first, middle, and last characters of each input string

Given two strings, s1 and s2, write a program to return a new string made of s1 and s2’s first, middle, and last characters.


s1 = "America"
s2 = "Japan"

Expected Output:


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  • String index starts with index 0. The first character is present at index 0, and the last character is at the index string’s length -1
  • Use built-in function len(s1) to get the string length.
  • Next, get the middle index number by dividing string length by 2.


  • Get the first character from both strings, concatenate them, and store them in variable x
  • Get the middle character from both strings, concatenate them, and store them in variable y
  • Get the last character from both strings, concatenate them, and store them in variable x
  • In the end, join xy, and z and save it in the result variable
  • print the result
def mix_string(s1, s2):
    # get first character from both string
    first_char = s1[0] + s2[0]

    # get middle character from both string
    middle_char = s1[int(len(s1) / 2):int(len(s1) / 2) + 1] + s2[int(len(s2) / 2):int(len(s2) / 2) + 1]

    # get last character from both string
    last_char = s1[len(s1) - 1] + s2[len(s2) - 1]

    # add all
    res = first_char + middle_char + last_char
    print("Mix String is ", res)

s1 = "America"
s2 = "Japan"
mix_string(s1, s2)

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