
Define a superclass named Media and a subclass of Media named Video


Define a superclass named Media containing:

- A protected instance variable named title of type String.

- A protected instance variable named length of type double.

- A full-argument constructor to assign the values of data members.

- A no-argument constructor that calls the full-argument constructor and sends "No Title" & 1.0 as parameters.

- Set and get methods for title and length.

- Override toString() to returns a string representation of the instance variables.


Define a subclass of Media named Video . The class should have the following public methods:

- A private instance variable named quality of type String.

- A full-argument constructor to send title and length to the super constructor and assign the value of quality.

- A one-argument constructor to assign the value of quality.

- Set and get methods for quality.

- Override toString() to returns a string representation of the instance variables (use toString() of superclass).


Define a driver class MediaPlayer that contains main method. Declare objects of type Media and Video using all constructors. Then, print the objects.

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public class MediaPlyer
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Media m1=new Media();
        Media m2=new Media("film",60.5);
        Video v1=new Video("1080px");
        Video v2=new Video("film","1080px",80.4);
        System.out.println( "m1 : "+m1);
        System.out.println("mw : "+ m2);
        System.out.println( "v1 : "+v1);
        System.out.println("v2 : "+ v2);

class Media
    protected String title;
    protected double length;
    public Media(String Title,double Length)
    public Media()
        this("No Title",1.0);
    public void setTitle(String Title){
    public String getTitle()
        return this.title;
    public void  setLength(double Length)
    public double getLength(){
        return this.length;
    public String toString() {
       return "Title :"+this.title+" , length :"+this.length;

class Video extends Media
    private String quality;
    public Video(String Title,String Quality,double length)
    public Video(String Quality)
    public void setQuality(String Quality)
    public String getQuality()
        return this.quality;
      public String toString() {
       return super.toString()+" , Quality :" + this.quality;

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