COS 102 : Java Programming-II, Lab: Array of Objects
Write the Java code for classes Student and Section Class Section:
AddStudent(student:stu): It will add the student details in the Array of objects(arrayStu) , returns true if successfully added otherwise it will return false.
SearchStudent(stuid:id): It will search for the detail of the student using the ID and return the index of the array. If not found, it returns -1.
calculateTotalAges(): calculate and returns the sum of ages of all students.
calculateAvgAge(): calculates and returns the average student age of the section.
printStuData( stuid:int): Prints the information about the student whose student id is stuid otherwise it displays “Student not Found”.
deleteStu(( stuid:int): This method will delete student with given id stuid and returns true otherwise returns false if student is not found
findMaxAge(): return the maximum age of the student in the section. findMinAge(): return the minimum age of the student in the section.
Create a test class and creates an object of the Section class with size 10.
Create 5 students objects and add them in section.
Delete any one of the students, display maximum and minimum ages of the students in the section.
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