Subset Sum
Given an array of size n and a sum K, determine whether any subset is possible with that sum or not. Print "yes" if there is any subset present else print "no".
Input & output:
In the first line the input will be n and K, space separated.
The next line contains the array elements
Output will be "yes" or "no"
Example with explanation:
Example 1:
The array size be: 5
The sum be: 11
The Elements be: 5 6 7 3 9
5 & 6 sums to 11. Thus the subset can be [5, 6] and output will be "yes".
Example 2:
The array size be: 5
The sum be: 11
The Elements be: 5 6 7 3 9
5 & 6 sums to 11. Thus the subset can be [5, 6] and output will be "yes".
Of course the naïve solution would be to generate all possible subsets and check their sum equals to K or not. But it would of course be computationally exponential to generate all possible subsets.
To do so, the recursion would be:
For nth element the cases are:
So, the recursion function can be written as:
Now base case would be,
Here comes the concept of sub problem. Initially the problem is for size n and sum K. Then it gets reduced to {size (n-1) and sum K} or {size (n-1) and (sum K-arr[n-1])}
So if you draw the recursion tree there will be many such sub-problem which will be overlapping ones. That means we will re-compute same sub-problems again and again. That’s why we need to store the value of sub-problems and use dynamic programming.
Converting to dynamic programming:
C++ Implementation:
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