
How to highlight the background of alternate table row using CSS


How to highlight the background of alternate table row using CSS

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Use the CSS ":nth-child" selector

You can use the CSS3 :nth-child selector to highlight the background of alternate table row for creating a zebra-striped table. The :nth-child(N) pseudo-class accepts an argument N, which can be a keyword, a number, or a number expression of the form xn+y where x and y are integers (e.g. 1n2n3n2n+13n-2, …). Try out the following example to see how it works:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Highlighting Alternate Table Row Using CSS</title>
        margin: 30px;
        border-collapse: collapse;
    table tr{
        border-bottom: 1px solid #666;
    table tr:nth-child(2n){
        background: #f2f2f2;
    table th, table td{
        padding: 10px;
            <th>First Name</th>
            <th>Last Name</th>


Row First Name Last Name Email
1 John Carter johncarter@mail.com
2 Peter Parker peterparker@mail.com
3 John Rambo johnrambo@mail.com
4 Harry Potter harrypotter@mail.com

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