
Write a mysql statement to find the concatenated first_name, last_name where age of the employee is greater than 30

belongs to collection: MySQL Exercises


Write a mysql statement to find the concatenated first_name, last_name where age of the employee is greater than 30

Suppose the employee table is -

| first_name             | last_name                    | age      | dept     |
| Mesa                   | Loop                         |  30      |  Acct    |
| Smith                  | Oak                          |  27      |  Devl    | 
| John                   | Jorz                         |  37      |  QA      | 
| Hary                   | Gaga                         |  32      |  QA      | 

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The following statement returns the concatenated first_name, last_name of the employees whose age is greater than 30.

mysql> SELECT CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name) FROM employee WHERE age > 30;

Output of the above code -

| John Jorz | 
| Hary Gaga |

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MySQL Exercises

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