
C Program to Sort an Array using Gnome Sort


Write a C Program to Sort an Array using Gnome Sort. Here’s simple C Program to Sort an Array using Gnome Sort in C Programming Language.

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Gnome sort(stupid sort) is a sorting algorithm which is similar to insertion sort, except that moving an element to its proper place is accomplished by a series of swaps, as in bubble sort. It is conceptually simple, requiring no nested loops.


Below is the source code for C Program to Sort an Array using Gnome Sort which is successfully compiled and run on Windows System to produce desired output as shown below :


/*  C Program to Sort an Array using GnomeSort  */

#include <stdio.h>
void main()
    int i, temp, ar[10], n;
    printf("\nenter the elemts number u would like to enter:");
    scanf("%d", &n);
    printf("\nenter the elements to be sorted through gnome sort:\n");
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        scanf("%d", &ar[i]);
    i = 0;
    while (i < n)
        if (i == 0 || ar[i - 1] <= ar[i])
            temp = ar[i-1];
            ar[i - 1] = ar[i];
            ar[i] = temp;
            i = i - 1;
    for (i = 0;i < n;i++)
        printf("%d\t", ar[i]);

Output :

/*  C Program to Sort an Array using GnomeSort  */

enter the elemts number u would like to enter:5

enter the elements to be sorted through gnomesort:
2       3       4       5       9

Above is the source code for C Program to Sort an Array using Gnome Sort which is successfully compiled and run on Windows System.The Output of the program is shown above .

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