
C++ Program to find a Grade of Given Marks Using Switch Case

Program in c++  language to find a grade of given marks using switch case. Take input from the user and print the grade of a student of the subject, for this problem use an absolute grading system, not a relative grading system. In console also print the message with a grade to appreciate a student.

 Logic is very simple for grade program in C++ using a switch case. Taking input from the user(Input should be between range given 0 to 100 Else program play with you), as we know that grading system so divides the Mark by 10 and put the case condition in program See the below Explanation Step by step for better understanding.

So first divide the mark by 10 so we can get a reminder and as you can see in the program we use case 4 to case 10. So if the remainder is between 4 to 10 our case performs the particular grade operation and display the result See the Step By Step Example for each case may be in this grade problem.

Case 1:- If the user is Over smart then there is a condition that if the mark given by the user is greater than 100 then our program displays the message "Don't Be Smart Enter your Marks Between Limit" or else perform the Else part.
Enter the Mark:- 1000

Output:- Don't Be Smart Enter your Marks Between Limit.

Case 2:- If the user is entering the marks between the 0 to 100 and then the particular grade portion will be executed and display the output in the Console screen.

Enter the Mark:- 95

Output:-Your Grade Is: A or Excellent

This operation performs the same for Grade B, C, D.

Case 3:- If Enter marks are not fulfilled the requirement of the case than the program will perform the default case.

Enter the Mark:- 25

Output:- You Grade Is: F or Fail

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#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


    int marks;

    /*This Is a Grade Checker Program*/

    while (1)


        cout << "\n=========================================";

        cout << "\nThis Is a Grade Checker Program";

        cout << "\n-----------------------------------";

        cout << "\nEnter The Marks Between 0 To 100:";

        cout << "\n=========================================\n";

        cout << "\nEnter The Mark: ";

        cin >> marks;

        if (marks > 100)


            /* Marks greater than 100 */

            cout << "\nDon't Be Smart Enter your Marks Between Limit\n";



            switch (marks / 10)


            case 10:

            case 9:

                /* Marks between 90-100 */

                cout << "\n=============================";

                cout << "\nYour Grade Is: A or Excellent";

                cout << "\n=============================";


            case 8:

            case 7:

                /* Marks between 70-89 */

                cout << "\n=============================";

                cout << "\nYour Grade Is: B or Very Good";

                cout << "\n=============================";


            case 6:

                /* Marks between 60-69 */

                cout << "\n========================";

                cout << "\nYour Grade Is: C or Fair";

                cout << "\n========================";


            case 5:

            case 4:

                /* Marks between 40-59 */

                cout << "\n========================";

                cout << "\nYour Grade Is: D or Pass";

                cout << "\n========================";



                /* Marks less than 40 */

                cout << "\n================================================";

                cout << "\nYou Grade Is: F or Fail\n";

                cout << "\nSuggestion: Do Not show your Sheet to Your Parent";

                cout << "\n================================================";

    return 0;




This Is a Grade Checker Program


Enter The Marks Between 0 To 100:


Enter The Mark: 500

Don't Be Smart Enter your Marks Between Limit


This Is a Grade Checker Program


Enter The Marks Between 0 To 100:


Enter The Mark: 90


Your Grade Is: A or Excellent

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