
C++ Program For Converting Temperature Celsius Into Fahrenheit


 C++ Program For Converting Temperature Celsius Into Fahrenheit .means you have to given temperature in Celsius you need to change temperature in Fahrenheit .

Logic :- 

For converting temperature Celsius to Fahrenheit their is a formula you just put Celsius temperature and calculate and print temperature in Fahrenheit Formula is given below

Formula :-  

Fahrenheit = ((9/5) * Celsius) + 32; //or you can use 1.8 in place of 9/5

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using namespace std;
int main()
 float cel, fah;

 cout<<"\nEnter Temp in Celsius : ";

 fah = (1.8 * cel) + 32;
 cout<<"\nTemperature in Fahrenheit : "<< fah;

 return (0);




Enter Temp in Celsius : 37.5

Temperature in Fahrenheit : 99.5

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