
Golang Structures | Find Output Programs | Set 1

belongs to collection: Golang Find Output Programs


This section contains the Golang structures find output programs (set 1) with their output and explanations.

Program 1:

package main
import "fmt"

type Student struct {
	Id   int
	Name string
	Fees int

func main() {
	var stu Student{Id:101,Name:"John",Fees:12490}

	fmt.Printf("Student Information:")
	fmt.Printf("\n\tStudent Id     : %d", stu.Id)
	fmt.Printf("\n\tStudent Name   : %s", stu.Name)
	fmt.Printf("\n\tStudent Fees   : %d", stu.Fees)

Program 2:

package main
import "fmt"

Student struct {
	Id   int
	Name string
	Fees int

func main() {
	stu := Student{Id:101,Name:"John",Fees:12490}

	fmt.Printf("Student Information:")
	fmt.Printf("\n\tStudent Id     : %d", stu.Id)
	fmt.Printf("\n\tStudent Name   : %s", stu.Name)
	fmt.Printf("\n\tStudent Fees   : %d", stu.Fees)

Program 3:

package main

import "fmt"

type Student struct {
	Id   int
	Name string
	Fees int

func main() {
	stu := Student{101, "John", 12490}

	fmt.Printf("Student Information:")
	fmt.Printf("\n\tStudent Id     : %d", stu.Id)
	fmt.Printf("\n\tStudent Name   : %s", stu.Name)
	fmt.Printf("\n\tStudent Fees   : %d", stu.Fees)

Program 4:

package main

import "fmt"

type Student struct {
	Id   int
	Name string
	Fees int

func main() {
	stu := Student{Id: 101, Fees: 12490}

	fmt.Printf("Student Information:")
	fmt.Printf("\n\tStudent Id     : %d", stu.Id)
	fmt.Printf("\n\tStudent Name   : %s", stu.Name)
	fmt.Printf("\n\tStudent Fees   : %d", stu.Fees)

Program 5:

package main

import "fmt"

type Student struct {
	Id   int
	Name string
	Fees int

func main() {
	stu1 := Student{Id: 101, Fees: 12490}
	stu2 := Student{Fees: 15470, Id: 102}
	stu3 := Student{Name: "ABC"}

	fmt.Printf("Student Information:")
	fmt.Printf("\n\tStudent Id     : %d", stu1.Id)
	fmt.Printf("\n\tStudent Name   : %s", stu1.Name)
	fmt.Printf("\n\tStudent Fees   : %d", stu1.Fees)

	fmt.Printf("\n\tStudent Id     : %d", stu2.Id)
	fmt.Printf("\n\tStudent Name   : %s", stu2.Name)
	fmt.Printf("\n\tStudent Fees   : %d", stu2.Fees)

	fmt.Printf("\n\tStudent Id     : %d", stu3.Id)
	fmt.Printf("\n\tStudent Name   : %s", stu3.Name)
	fmt.Printf("\n\tStudent Fees   : %d", stu3.Fees)

All Answers

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Answer Program 1:


./prog.go:11:17: syntax error: unexpected { at end of statement
./prog.go:13:2: syntax error: non-declaration statement outside function body


The above program will generate a syntax error because we did not initialize stu object properly. The correct way of initialization is given below,

var stu = Student{Id:101,Name:"John",Fees:12490}


Answer Program 2:


./prog.go:4:1: syntax error: non-declaration statement outside function body


The above program will generate a syntax error because we did not declare Student properly. We need to use the type keyword to declare a structure in the Go language. The correct declaration is given below,

type Student struct {
	Id   int
	Name string
	Fees int


Answer Program 3:


Student Information:
	Student Id     : 101
	Student Name   : John
	Student Fees   : 12490


In the above program, we created a structure Student that contains Id, Name, Fees members. Then we created an object of Student structure with initial values in the main() function. After that, we printed the student information.


Answer Program 4:


Student Information:
	Student Id     : 101
	Student Name   : 
	Student Fees   : 12490


In the above program, we created a structure Student that contains Id, Name, Fees members. Then we created an object of Student structure with initial values for Id and Name in the main() function.

But here we did not assign the value for student name. That's why it was not initialized. After that, we printed the student information.


Answer Program 5:


Student Information:
	Student Id     : 101
	Student Name   : 
	Student Fees   : 12490

	Student Id     : 102
	Student Name   : 
	Student Fees   : 15470

	Student Id     : 0
	Student Name   : ABC
	Student Fees   : 0


In the above program, we created a structure Student that contains Id, Name, Fees members. Then we created the objects of the Student structure and initialized them partially in the main() function.


After that, we printed the student information.

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Golang Find Output Programs

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