
Alphabet Triangle Method in Php

belongs to collection: PHP Programs


There are three methods to print the alphabets in a triangle or in a pyramid form.

  • range() with for loop
  • chr() with for loop
  • range() with foreach loop


  • Two for loops are used.
  • First for loop set conditions to print 1 to 5 rows.
  • Second for loop set conditions in decreasing order.

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Using range() function

This range function stores values in an array from A to Z. here, we use two for loops.


$alpha = range('A', 'Z');  
for($i=0; $i<5; $i++){   
  for($j=5; $j>$i; $j--){  
    echo $alpha[$i];  
    echo "<br>";  



Using chr() function

Here the chr() function returns the value of the ASCII code. The ASCII value of A, B, C, D, E is 65, 66, 67, 68, 69 respectively. Here, also we use two for loops.


for( $i=65; $i<=69; $i++){   
   for($j=5; $j>=$i-64; $j--){  
    echo chr($i);  
    echo "<br>";  



Using range() function with foreach

In this methods we use foreach loop with range() function. The range() function contain values in an array and returns it with $char variable. The for loop is used to print the output.


foreach(range('A','Z') as $char){  
    for($i=5; $i>=$k; $i--){  
            echo $char;  
        echo "<br>";  


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