Perfect Sum Problem
Given an array of integers and a sum, the task is to count all subsets of a given array with the sum equal to the given sum.
Problem Description:
The problem asks you to find the number of subsets that are elements from the given array such that their sum is equal to given sum in the problem, subset size can be one if a single element is equal to a given sum or greater than one depending upon the input array.
For example: For [5,6,7,8,9] and sum = 5, the subset is {5} as a single element is equal to a given sum and for sum==12 the subset{5,7} makes it possible therefore subset size is greater than one is also possible.
Input: The first line of input contains an integer T denoting the number of test cases. Then T test cases follow. Each test case contains an integer n denoting the size of the array. The next line contains n space-separated integers forming the array. The last line contains the sum.
Output: Count all the subsets of the given array with the sum equal to the given sum.
T = 1
N = 5
Sum = 12
{7+5} = 12 therefore this is the required subset.
T = 1
N = 5
Sum = 5
2, {1+4} = 5 and {2+3} = 5 therefore they are the required subset.
1) Recursive Approach
We will use the recursive function solve to evaluate the count of subsets that are equal to the given sum.
We consider the following base cases:
i.e, solve(arr,n-1,sum)+solve(arr,n-1,sum-arr[n-1])
Time Complexity for the above approach is exponential.
Program to illustrate the working of recursive approach
Dynamic Programming Approach:
Here we take dp[n][sum] as our dynamic state. Initially, we will fill the entire dp state as -1, if the dp state is calculated then its value changes so if the recursion call is made again then we first check it in the dp table whether it is calculated or not. If calculated already then simply return it, otherwise calculate it.
Follow steps are used in top-down dp:
Time complexity for above approach is O(n*n)
Space Complexity for above approach is O(n*n)
Program to illustrate the working of Top-down dynamic programming approach
In this case we will fill the dp[n][sum] state in bottom up manner. We will fill the base cases as:
Follow steps would be used in bottom-up dp:
Time Complexity for above approach is O(n*n)
Space Complexity for above approach is O(n*n)
Program to illustrate the working of bottom-up dynamic programming approach
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