
Ruby program to demonstrate the BEGIN and END blocks

belongs to collection: Ruby Blocks Programs


In this program, we will demonstrate the BEGIN and END blocks. The BEGIN block executes at the start of the program and END block executes at the end of the program, and other statements execute before the END block.

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Program/Source Code:

The source code to demonstrate the BEGIN and END blocks is given below. The given program is compiled and executed successfully.

# Ruby program to demonstrate the 
# BEGIN and END blocks

   puts "Statement in BEGIN block";

END { 
    puts "Statement in END block";
# Below statements will execute 
# before END block 
puts "Message1";
puts "Message2";


Statement in BEGIN block
Statement in END block


In the above program, we created BEGIN and END blocks. The BEGIN block calls at the beginning of program execution and END block calls at the end of program execution, and other statements executes before the execution of the end block.

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