
Rust program to print today\'s weekday using the weekday () method

belongs to collection: Rust Date and Time Programs


In this program, we will get the current date-time using Utc::now() method and then we will get today's weekday using the weekday() method.

Add Chrono date-time external library to your project

  1. Create your project using the below command.
    $cargo new datetime -bin
  2. Goto the project folder cd datetime and edit Cargo.toml file.
    $datetime>nano Cargo.toml
  3. Then add dependency in Cargo.toml file
    chrono = "0.4"
  4. After that, build your project using the below command
    $datetime>cargo build
  5. Then execute your project after modification in src/main.rs source file.
    $datetime>cargo run

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Program/Source Code:

The source code to print today's weekday using the weekday () method is given below. The given program is compiled and executed on UBUNTU 18.04 successfully.

// Rust program to print today's weekday 
// using weekday() method

use chrono::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    let dt = Utc::now();
    println!("Today's weekday is : {}", dt.weekday());


$datetime> cargo run
   Compiling datetime v0.1.0 (/home/arvind/Desktop/rust/datetime)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.29s
     Running `target/debug/datetime`

Today's weekday is : Sat


In the above program, we imported the "Chrono" library to our project for performing date and time operations. We imported the Chrono library using the below line:

use chrono::prelude::*;

In the main() function, we got the current date and time using Utc::now() method. Then we got today's weekday using the weekday() method and printed the result.

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Rust Date and Time Programs

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