
Kotlin program of arithmetic exception handling using try-catch block

belongs to collection: Kotlin Exception Handling Programs


In this program, we will perform an arithmetic operation and handle arithmetic exceptions using a try-catch block.

Syntax for try-catch block:

try {
   // code that can throw exception
} catch(e: ExceptionName) {
   // catch the exception and handle it

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// Importing the ArithmeticException class
import kotlin.ArithmeticException

fun main(args : Array<String>){
	var x = 10
	var y = 3
		println("10/3: " + x/y)

		x = 10
		y = 0 
		println("10/0: " + x/y)
	catch(e: ArithmeticException){
		// caught and handles it
		println("Divide by zero exception")


10/3: 3
Divide by zero exception

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Kotlin program of using try-catch as an expression... >>