
Kotlin program to get the List equivalent of the given Triple

belongs to collection: Kotlin Triple Programs


Here, we will demonstrate the use of the toList() function with Triple in Kotlin. The toList() function returns the List equivalent of the given Triple.


fun <T>Triple<T, T, T>.toList(): List<T>

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Example 1:

fun main() {
	// creating a new instance of the Triple
	var numbers = Triple(10, 20, 30)

	// Convert to the list using toList()
	val list1: List<Any> = numbers.toList()

	// Print the list
	println("List representation is "+list1.toString())	


List representation is [10, 20, 30]

Example 2:

fun main() {
	// creating a new instance of the Triple
	var student = Triple("Alvin Alexander", 35, "New York")

	// Convert to the list using toList()
	val list1: List<Any> = student.toList()

	// Print the list
	println("List representation is "+list1.toString())	


List representation is [Alvin Alexander, 35, New York]

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