
Kotlin program to remove all occurrences of a character in a string

belongs to collection: Kotlin String Programs


Given a string and a character, we have to remove all occurrences of the character in given string.


    string = "includeHelp Delhi"

    String after removing character : "includeelp Deli"

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Program to remove all occurrences of a character in a string in Kotlin

package com.includehelp.basic

import java.util.*

//Main Function, entry Point of Program
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    // InputStream to get Input
    val scanner = Scanner(System.`in`)

    //Input String
    print("Enter String : ")
    var str = scanner.nextLine()

    //Input Character to Remove from String
    print("Enter Character : ")
    val c = scanner.next()[0]

    //Replace character with Empty String
    val newStr=str.replace(c.toString(),"",ignoreCase = true)

    //Print String after Replacement
    println("String after removing character : $newStr ")


Run 1:
Enter String : includeHelp Delhi
Enter Character : h
String after removing character : includeelp Deli
Run 2:
Enter String : corona virus global death rate
Enter Character : o
String after removing character : crna virus glbal death rate

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