
Kotlin program to check whether two matrices are identical or not

belongs to collection: Kotlin Array Programs


Given two matrices, we have to check them they are identical or not?


    matrix 1:
    [2, 3, 5]
    [0, 5, 4]
    [2, 1, 2]

    matrix 2:
    [2, 3, 5]
    [0, 5, 4]
    [2, 1, 2]

    Matrices are Equal !! 

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Program to check whether two matrices are identical or not in Kotlin

/*Kotlin Program to check Two matrices are equal or not
* 1. no. of rows and col for both matrices should be equal
* 2. corresponding elements from both elements should be same e.g. a[0][0]=b[0][0]

package com.includehelp

import java.util.*

// Main function, Entry Point of Program
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    //variable of rows and col
    val rows: Int
    val column: Int

    var isEqual =  true

    //Input Stream
    val scanner = Scanner(System.`in`)

    //Input no of rows and column
    print("Enter the number of rows and columns of matrix : ")
    rows   = scanner.nextInt()
    column = scanner.nextInt()

    //Create Array
    val matrixA     = Array(rows) { IntArray(column) }
    val matrixB     = Array(rows) { IntArray(column) }
    val matrixSum   = Array(rows) { IntArray(column) }

    //Input Matrix
    println("Enter the Elements of First Matrix ($rows X $column} ): ")
    for(i in matrixA.indices){
        for(j in matrixA[i].indices){
            print("matrixA[$i][$j]: ")

    //Input Matrix
    println("Enter the Elements of Second Matrix ($rows X $column} ): ")
    for(i in matrixB.indices){
        for(j in matrixB[i].indices){
            print("matrixB[$i][$j]: ")

    //print Matrix A
    println("Matrix A : ")
    for(i in matrixA.indices){
        println("${matrixA[i].contentToString()} ")

    //print Matrix B
    println("Matrix B : ")
    for(i in matrixB.indices){
        println("${matrixB[i].contentToString()} ")

    //Check Equality of Corresponding Elements
    for(i in 0 until rows){
        for(j in 0 until column){

    if(isEqual) println("Matrices are Equal !! ") else println("Matrices are not equal !! ")


Run 1:
Enter the number of rows and columns of matrix : 2
Enter the Elements of First Matrix (2 X 2} ):
matrixA[0][0]: 1
matrixA[0][1]: 3
matrixA[1][0]: 5
matrixA[1][1]: 7
Enter the Elements of Second Matrix (2 X 2} ):
matrixB[0][0]: 1
matrixB[0][1]: 3
matrixB[1][0]: 5
matrixB[1][1]: 7
Matrix A :
[1, 3]
[5, 7]
Matrix B :
[1, 3]
[5, 7]
Matrices are Equal !!
Run 2:
Enter the number of rows and columns of matrix : 3
Enter the Elements of First Matrix (3 X 3} ):
matrixA[0][0]: 1
matrixA[0][1]: 2
matrixA[0][2]: 3
matrixA[1][0]: 4
matrixA[1][1]: 5
matrixA[1][2]: 6
matrixA[2][0]: 7
matrixA[2][1]: 8
matrixA[2][2]: 9
Enter the Elements of Second Matrix (3 X 3} ):
matrixB[0][0]: 1
matrixB[0][1]: 2
matrixB[0][2]: 3
matrixB[1][0]: 4
matrixB[1][1]: 5
matrixB[1][2]: 7
matrixB[2][0]: 8
matrixB[2][1]: 9
matrixB[2][2]: 0
Matrix A :
[1, 2, 3]
[4, 5, 6]
[7, 8, 9]
Matrix B :
[1, 2, 3]
[4, 5, 7]
[8, 9, 0]
Matrices are not equal !!

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