
How many elements are there in each of the following vectors? What are the values of the elements?


How many elements are there in each of the following vectors? What are the values of the elements?

(a) vector<int> v1;
(b) vector<int> v2(10);
(c) vector<int> v3(10, 42);
(d) vector<int> v4{10};
(e) vector<int> v5{10, 42};
(f) vector<string> v6{10};
(g) vector<string> v7{10, "hi"};

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#include <vector>
#include <string>
using std::vector;
using std::string;

int main() {
  vector<int> v1;               // 0  element
  vector<int> v2(10);           // 10 elements, values are all 0
  vector<int> v3(10, 42);       // 10 elements, values are all 42
  vector<int> v4{10};           // 1  element,  value  is  10
  vector<int> v5{10, 42};       // 2  elements, values are 10 and 42
  vector<string> v6{10};        // 10 elements, values are all empty string
  vector<string> v7{10, "hi"};  // 10 elements, values are all "hi"

  return 0;

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