- Given the evolution of DBMSs, business data is now:
- Which of the following is not true of a DBMS?
- Nonprocedural access to a database:
- Which of the following statements is not true of a desktop DBMS?
- In the evolution of database technology, second-generation products are considered to be the first true DBMSs because:
- In the evolution of database technology, third-generation products supplanted second-generation systems because:
- Which statement is not true of the Three Schema Architecture?
- Which of the following statements is not true of information resource management?
- A Database Management System (DBMS) is
- Data Manipulation Language enables users to
- Which of the following is Database Language?
- Which of the following in not a function of DBA?
- Which of the following represents a relationship among a set of values
- Column header is refer as
- Which of the following is not Modification of the Database?
- Which of the following in true regarding Null Value?
- ODBC stands for ______
- _____________ refers to the correctness and completeness of the data in a database?
- Data integrity constraints are used to:
- The DBMS acts as an interface between what two components of an enterprise-class database system?
- Which of the following products was an early implementation of the relational model developed by E.F. Codd of IBM?
- The following are components of a database except ________
- An application where only one user accesses the database at a given time is an example of a(n) ________
- An on-line commercial site such as Amazon.com is an example of a(n) ________
- Which of the following products was the first to implement true relational algebra in a PC DBMS?
- Because it contains a description of its own structure, a database is considered to be ________
- The following are functions of a DBMS except ________
- Helping people keep track of things is the purpose of a(n) ________
- Which of the following products implemented the CODASYL DBTG model?
- An Enterprise Resource Planning application is an example of a(n) ________
- A DBMS that combines a DBMS and an application generator is ________
- You have run an SQL statement that asked the DBMS to display data in a table named USER_TABLES. The results include columns of data labeled
- Which of the following is not considered to be a basic element of an enterprise-class database system?
- The DBMS that is most difficult to use is ________
- What is the overall responsibility of the DBA?
- Data Model is collection of conceptual tools for describing -
- Related fields in a database are grouped to form a
- The database environment has all of the following components except:
- The property / properties of a database is / are :
- The method in which records are physically stored in a specified order according to a key field in each record is
- Which one of the following statements is false?
- An advantage of the database management approach is
- It is possible to define a schema completely using
- Data independence means
- DBMS helps achieve
- It is better to use files than a DBMS when there are
- The users who use easy-to-use menu are called
- Which database level is closest to the users?
- Which are the two ways in which entities can participate in a relationship?
- Which of the following database object does not physically exist?
- NULL is
- A data dictionary is a special file that contains:
- A file manipulation command that extracts some of the records from a file is called
- Which two files are used during operation of the DBMS
- Database is collection of ____
- __________________ is collection of interrelated data and set of program to access them
- DBMS should provide following feature(s) ______
- Which of the following is considered as DBMS ?
- Before use of DBMS information was stored using __________
- The DBMS acts as an interface between what two components of an database system ?
- Long form of DBA is ______________
- DBMS stands for __________
- A database is a complex type of ______
- In __________ data can be stored in structured manner
- Duplication of data at several places is called as _______________
- Suppose user have Saving Account and Checking Account in the Bank. Saving Account Stores following information -
- If in redundant file common fields are not matching then it results in _____________
- Data Isolation caused due to ________ in traditional file system
- If person A want to transfer fund of Rs.500 to person B. If failure occurs after removing Rs.500 from Account A and before transferring to Account B then problem caused is __________
- Identify the advantages of Database management system ?
- If DBA modify the structure of the data record then this modification do not affect other application is called as _____________
- Collection of information stored in database at particular instance of time is called as __________
- Overall design of the database is called as _________
- _________ is collection of operations that performs a single logical function in database application
- Database Manager Performs following query related operation
- Duty of Database manager is to enforce integrity and _________ checks
- Granting and Authorization for data access is provided by ____________
- Database Manager is also known as ________
- Which of the user write program in host language and embed the DML statements into it ?
- User which interact with the system using database query language is called as ___________
- Farmer goes to ATM Center to withdraw an amount of Rs.300/-. Which type of user farmer is ?
- Schema Definition is written by __________
- Person A is Java Developer interacts with Person D to understand the complete database schema written by him
- Structured data may include which of the following?
- Metadata enables database designers and users to do all of the following except:
- Duplicate data often results in loss of data integrity because:
- Which of the following types of databases are the most common?
- Some advantages of the database approach include all, but:
- Data administrators are responsible for:
- An extranet is which of the following?
- A database application can perform which of the following activities?
- An enterprise database is which of the following?
- Legacy data is which of the following?
- Which of the following is true for a relational database?
- A shared database should:
- A data warehouse uses:
- A database management system (DBMS) is a:
- An enterprise data model is:
- A data warehouse is which of the following?
- An operational system is which of the following?
- The generic two-level data warehouse architecture includes which of the following?
- The active data warehouse architecture includes which of the following?
- Reconciled data is which of the following?
- Transient data is which of the following?
- The extract process is which of the following?
- Data scrubbing is which of the following?
- The load and index is which of the following?
- Data transformation includes which of the following?
- A multifield transformation does which of the following?
- A star schema has what type of relationship between a dimension and fact table?
- Fact tables are which of the following?
- A snowflake schema is which of the following types of tables?
- A goal of data mining includes which of the following?
- Primitive operations common to all record management systems include
- Each of data files has a _____ that describe the way the data is stored in the file
- After you _____ a record, many data management the environments require you to issue a command to save the changes you made
- Sort/report generators
- An-owner-member set in the CODASYL specifications may have
- A database management system
- Which of the following hardware components is the most important to the operation of a database management system?
- Which two files are used during operation of the DBMS?
- When using a database management system, the first thing that you must do is to
- The highest level in the hierarchy of data organization is called
- Updating a database means
- The main idea behind computer files is that it is convenient to
- The Management Information system (MIS) structure with one main computer system is called a
- What name is given to the collection of facts, items of information or data which are related in some way?
- In a large DBMS
- An audit trail
- The on-line, softcopy display a customer\'s charge account to respond to an inquiry is an examples of a
- With respect to data input, the most accurate description of batch control is
- Long-range planning report produced in an MIS are primarily designed for
- Characteristic(s) of a distributed MIS structure is
- The data-base environment has all of the following components except:
- A report form
- What software packages are commonly used for businesses that have to track extensive lists of clients and inventory?
- A condition that led to the development of databases was
- Which of the following is a type of DBMS software?
- Which of the following is not true of the traditional approach to information processing?
- Batch processing is appropriate if
- What is the abbreviation used for a software package that permits the users to create, retrieve and maintain records in a database?
- Which of the following is not an advantage of the data-base approach?
- It is more accurate to define a _____ as a variety of different record types that are treated as a single unit
- Which of the following is not the responsibility of the utilities component of DBMS software?
- The database administration function includes
- There are certain packages that allow people to define data items, place these items in particular records, combine the records into designated files and then manipulate and retrieve the stored data. What are they called?
- Information can be transferred between the DBMS and a
- In order to use a DBMS, it is important to understand
- Administrate supervision of database activities is the responsibility of the
- Database management systems are intended to:
- Database redesign is not terribly difficult if the:
- How many copies of the database schema are typically used in the redesign process?
- The state in database management system which satisfies the constraints and specified schema structure is classified as
- The database system which supports the majority of concurrent users is classified as
- The software whose main function is to provide the access the database from remote location with the help of work stations, local PCs and computer terminals is called
- The objects in DBMS belongs to same structure and behaves in the same way are considered as
- In relational database management system, the server is classified as
- The data communication system and the database management system is also considered as
- The non-procedural language and the procedural language are classified as types of
- In DBMS, the record-at-a-time manipulation language is also called
- The information stored in the information repository can be accessed by
- The application program interface in the two tier architecture database management system is provided by the
- In database management system, the term which is used to represent the real world concept or object is classified as
- In database management system, the module which is designed to be used on workstation and personal computer systems is classified as
- The module of database management system which controls the access to database stored on the disk is considered as
- The compiler which pull out the commands written in host programming language from application program is classified as
- The DBMS in which the systems involved are coupled together while having local autonomy is classified as
- The types of database system utilities are
- In database management system, the CAD is an abbreviation of
- The same class objects are arranged and organized in a way called
- The user interface which uses both menus technique and forms is classified as
- The feature of database management which makes it effortless to find any particular record from the collection is called
- If there is separation between conceptual and internal levels then the language used by database designers is
- The predefined procedures to specify operations for each class is called
- The standard which allows the access to DBMS by the Java client programs is classified as
- The type of data manipulation language which is embedded in programming and used to retrieve individual objects from database is classified as
- In a particular time, the data available in the database at specific moment is called
- The module of DBMS which focuses on eliminating redundancies, operations reordering and rearrangements is classified as
- In database management system, the module which support handling of data search, data access and data storage is classified as
- The popular technique in Web-based user interfaces are
- The high level query language used in relational database is considered as
- The standard used popularly for the interchanging the data over internet is classified as
- The language used to insert, delete, modify and retrieve data in DBMS is considered as
- The machines which works as the interface to use the file servers, Web servers and printer servers are classified as
- The package of software that facilitate the modeling of database and improved performance of database system is classified as
- The parts of an operation or function must includes
- The name of operation and the type of data of parameters must be included in
- The implications of database management approaches includes
- The collection of known and useful raw facts that has some meaning and can be processed in useful way is classified as
- The type of application program which controls all the task from order processing to customer support functions is classified as
- The users who access the database occasionally but need different information every time are classified as
- The person who implements the specifications of the database programs is considered as
- The problem arises because of incompatibility between data structures of programming language and database management structures is called
- The users that maintain databases with the help of ready made program packages are considered as
- The structuring of database by specifying the types and constraints of data is classified as
- The group of employees who are responsible for maintenance running hardware of system is classified as
- The multiple access users and access to database programs simultaneously is considered as
- The menu-driven interface of DBMS and the forms-style interface of DBMS is classified as
- The access to an online purchasing procedures, the airline ticket reservation systems and the inventory management in local grocery stores are examples of
- The systematic collection of data is classified as
- The group of people whose job description requires updating database, generating reports or using queries is called
- In large database management applications, theses customary constraints are classified as
- The system which provides the active rules to initiate certain actions after meeting specific conditions is classified as
- The process of designing new database or designing new application for database which already exists is classified as
- In database management system, the business analysts, engineers and scientists are classified as
- The person or group of people who is responsible for choosing the appropriate structure for data representation and identifying the data to be stored is called
- The collection of programs that helps users to create and maintain the useful databases according to their need is classified as
- The person who take account of requirements of parametric end users is considered as
- The type of application used to store large amount of data regarding scientific experiments is classified as
- The property which states that files of data stored in database management system does not belong to the application programs is called
- The process which includes the functions such as retrieving particular data with the help of specific queries and generating reports of that data is classified as
- The system used by database administrators to specify restrictions of accounts and creation of new accounts is classified as
- The type of program which sends the queries to database management system for the access to database is classified as
- The software used by database administrators to create new accounts are considered as
- A desired format layout of a report can be designed by users of a database by using
- Database structure definition is also referred to as
- Defining access controls on various tables is key task of
- Database systems are installed and coordinated by
- Logical relationship among various data elements of database is defined by
- Commands that enables users to enter and manipulate data are named as
- Data elements are linked in form of inverted tree structure in the
- Network database structure is an extension of
- Greater flexibility of data organization in databases is provided with
- A collection of objects whose behavior and states are defined in accordance to classes is said to be
- In relational database structure, data elements are organized in form of
- Structure of database is defined by means of
- In hierarchical databases, relationship is of type
- The following term applies to a collection of related records in a database
- This set of related data items is known as a
- The framework for storing records in database is a
- The following command is used to search the record that satisfies the specified criteria
- The data in a record is of the following types
- A treelike structure of records in a database.Select the best fit for answer
- The following language used by most of the DBMSs for helping their users to access data
- What is a largest collection of data stored in a computer? You might use this type of program to keep a record of all the friends in your address
- Which command is used to replace ?
- The following part of a database that holds only one type of information
- All of the following terms are related to computerized databases except which one?
- Need to see all the information from two tables on one form. Insert
- What is the primary difference between a pivot table report and a cross tab query?
- The largest unit of a database is
- Whats the best Access object for an invoice youll mail to customers?
- What is a Grouped Report?
- Which field allow to select items from drop down list?
- What did the first Table Analyzer do?
- Pivot Table reports are good for
- Which of the following are common ways to enforce data validation when entering data into an Access form?
- The purpose of the Add-in Manager is to
- Sub-schema can be used to
- If you are entering data in a form, a quick way to cpy a value from the previous record is to press
- DBMS is
- COPY STRUCTURE command is used to
- COUNT command is used to
- What is the term to ask the computer to pt information in order numerically or alphabetically ?
- The raw facts are called
- The term refers to a collection of related information
- A form that is used to collect data in a structured manner for entry to a database is called a
- The following command is used for inserting records
- The Query is a statement requesting for
- The following statement is not valid about indexing
- The following devices can be used to input data into a database
- The following command is used for sorting
- List command is used to get
- A field that uniquely identifies a record is called a
- Corrupted index file is corrected using
- The navigation buttons enable you to
- Different levels of access are assigned to personnel records in the health and fitness gym
- You can switch back and forth betweendesign and datasheet view by clicking the
- The table wizard
- The names, address, and account balance of all of your customers, select the best fit for answer
- An integrated collection of all of the data about your customers. Select the best fit for answer
- An identification field in a record. Select the best fit for answer
- What is part of database that holds all of the information about one item or subject?
- What is a stored question about information in a database?
- RDBMS stands for
- Pack command is used to
- Modules are
- APPEND command is used to
- Append from command is used to
- Examples of centralized multi-user databases are
- New record is added using
- When a customer makes an online hotel booking, the database is updated in
- A database that contains tables linked by common fields is called a
- The use of integrated collections of database records and files for data storage and processing. The best fit for answer:
- DBMS allows you to create, interrogate, and maintain a database, create reports, and develop application programs, select the best fit answer
- A specialist in charge of the database of anorganization select the best fit for answer
- This DBMS feature allows users to easily interrogate a database. Select the best fit for answer
- The .. presents data in a way similar to an excel spreadsheet
- It Is used to build and modify database objects and also to create new queries
- It shows the appearance and layout of a report, table or form in order to confirm what will be printed
- It examines a small portion or sample of your data in a report before printing it
- Which of the following columns can not be found in the macro design window?
- The ascending order of a data hierarchy ios:
- How do you freeze a field a column or field in Microsoft Access?
- Within Table Datasheet view, how can you display associated records from another table?
- Which of the following is not a command to find specific word or phrases in a database?
- One of the type libraries that you can use to programmatically connect to Microsoft Access data is
- The data in a Pivot Table report is categorized using
- Records are deleted using
- You can enter data in a table in
- Creating a data file means
- You want to keep track of addresses, phone numbers
- Each individual data items of record is called a
- A large collections of files are called
- Memo field in database file is used to
- Applications that rely on databases are
- Which of the following is not a Access database object ?
- Data owners must protect their data against corruption or loss. One sensible method to achieving this is to
- Facilities offered by databases are
- Users who store data about real people for marketing purposes must register the data and its potential use with
- When you double click a query object, you open
- Checks that are added to databases to detect unsuitable data on inpt are called
- Auto Report allows you to
- Auto Form allows you to
- The asterisk (*) is sometimes used in database queries. This character is then called a
- Which custom date format displays the numeric day of the year when a date is entered?
- When you save an Access project, what fileformat do you use?
- Which of the following criterion would find records whose personality field does not equal Nice?
- What is the maximum character field size you can set for a field that has a text data type?
- Which of the following fields would not make a suitable primary key ?
- Auto reports can contain each of the following elements except
- What is the abbreviation used for a software package that permits the user to create, retrieve and maintain records in a database?
- A repository for data, usually covering some specific topic is called
- A data item, which is not broken down into smaller units, is
- Which of the following terms refers to the degree to which data in database system are accurate and correct?
- A set of programs that handle firms database responsibilities is called a
- Which is used to provide the sight information to the right person at the right time for proper decision making ?
- Dbase-III was developed by
- Which of the following database objects asks a question of information in a database and then displays the result?
- What data type should you choose for a zip code field in a table?
- A list consists of last names, first names, address and pin codes if all people in the list have the same last and the same pin code, a useful key would be
- What happens when you add the asterisk (() from any field list ot a query?
- The criteria BETWEEN 1/1/99 and 12/31/99 would which is proper
- DDP stands for
- To see sales amount figures totaled, into which drop area would you drag that field?
- Which access feature do you use to develop applications that host access data on the web?
- What is the common name for a column of data within an Access table?
- A data structure consisting of several fields, some or all of which are instances of the same data structure, is called
- A group of characters used to identiry a given low level instruction is
- One or more characters used to identify a data field in a computer program is
- In Form view, which command displays records alphabetically?
- Where do report and forms get their information form?
- The number of logical records in a physical record is
- A top to bottom relationship among the items in a database is established by a
- A command that lets you cange one or morefields in a record is
- What is the purpose of the page field on a pivot table report?
- What does the Special Effect button on the formatting toolbar do?
- Pivot Table report data must meet which of the following criteria?
- Customers, Orders. Whats their best relationship?
- Which control does access use to link data access page components to access data?
- Which program do you use to edit code for data access pages?
- The way a particular application views thedata from the database that the applicaton uses is a
- Which of the following is a database management system?
- What is the corresponding text for the <#1/1/ 95# validation rule setting?
- What is the name of the Visual Basic Editor utility that allows you to view the Microsoft Access type librarys available objects and members?
- A computer language for informing the DBMS regarding the data structure used is
- Which of the following is not a data type ?
- The executive responsible for the data processing function in an organization is
- A subset of characters within a data field is known as
- Data items groped together for storage purposes are called a
- Which of the following terms does not describe a database structure used by a DBMS to link data from several files?
- In a relational schema, each tuple is dividedinto fields called
- How do you filter by selection?
- What is a fast way to adjust the width of a column?
- How do you update Pivot Table report data after changes are made to the source data?
- In access, the best types of queries to use for data analysis are:
- How can you add a table to the relationship window?
- What is the first step in creating a form or report with the form wizard or report wizard?
- Which action will optimize your databaseperformance?
- The arranging of data in a logical sequence is called
- If a piece of data is stored in two places in the database, then a
- A relational database management (RDBMS) package manages data in more than one file at once. How does it organize these file? As
(c).Add record from edit menu
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