
Is the following code legal or not? If not, how might you make it legal?


Is the following code legal or not? If not, how might you make it legal?

int null = 0, *p = null;

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#include <cstdlib>

int main() {
  //int null = 0, *p = null;  // Error: type mismatch

  // Method 1
  const int null1 = 0;
  int *p1 = null1;

  // Method 2
  int *p2 = nullptr;

  // Method 3
  int *p3 = 0;

  // Method 4 (may need include `cstdlib`)
  int *p4 = NULL;

  // Method 5
  constexpr int null2 = 0;
  int *p5 = null2;

  return 0;

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