
We can use an if to write a program to count how many consecutive times each distinct value appears in the input


We can use an if to write a program to count how many consecutive
times each distinct value appears in the input.

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#include <iostream>
int main()
// currVal is the number we're counting; we'll read new values into val
int currVal = 0, val = 0;
// read first number and ensure that we have data to process
if (std::cin >> currVal) {
int cnt = 1; // store the count for the current value we're processing
while (std::cin >> val) { // read the remaining numbers
if (val == currVal) // if the values are the same
++cnt; // add 1 to cnt
else { // otherwise, print the count for the previous value
std::cout << currVal << " occurs "
<< cnt << " times" << std::endl;
currVal = val; // remember the new value
cnt = 1; // reset the counter
} // while loop ends here
// remember to print the count for the last value in the file
std::cout << currVal << " occurs "
<< cnt << " times" << std::endl;
} // outermost if statement ends here
return 0;



42 42 42 42 42 55 55 62 100 100 100
42 occurs 5 times
55 occurs 2 times
62 occurs 1 times
100 occurs 3 times


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