Python Interview Questions and Answers
- What is Python? What are the benefits of using Python?
- What are the key features of Python?
- What type of language is python? Programming or scripting?
- Is python a case sensitive language?
- Is indentation required in python?
- What is self in Python?
- What is pep 8 in Python?
- Can we take any name in place of self in python?
- What is a function in Python Programming?
- Write the steps to define the function in python
- How to call a function in python?
- What is __init__ in Python?
- What is the difference between self and __init__ methods in python Class?
- What is the return keyword used for in python?
- Is It Mandatory For A Python Function To Return A Value?
- What Is The Return Value Of The Trunc() Function in python?
- What is “Call By Value” in Python?
- What Is “Call By Reference” In Python?
- How are arguments passed by value or by reference in Python?
- What is the output of the below python code?
- What is the output of the below python code?
- What is the output of the below python code?
- How many basic types of functions are available in Python?
- What are the applications of Python?
- What are python modules? Name some commonly used built-in modules in Python?
- What are the benefits of Python?
- What are the Python libraries? Name a few of them
- What is the difference between list and tuples in Python?
- What Does The __ Name __ Do In Python?
- Does Python have a main()method?
- What is the purpose of “end” in Python?
- Is the Python platform independent?
- What are Python packages?
- What are the OOPS concepts available in Python?
- What Is Class In Python?
- How to create a class in Python?
- What is the syntax for creating an instance of a class in Python?
- How to create an empty class in Python?
- Explain Inheritance in Python with an example?
- Does python support multiple inheritances?
- Write a python code that explains the inheritance?
- What is polymorphism in Python?
- Write a python code that explains the Polymorphism?
- Does Python make use of access specifiers?
- Define encapsulation in Python?
- What is data abstraction in Python?
- How do you do data abstraction in Python?
- What is pass in Python?
Python packages are namespaces that contain multiple modules.
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