
C program to find century for a year

belongs to collection: Calendar Programs in C


In this exercise, we learn how to write a C program to find century for a year?. We will write the C program to find a century for the given years. Write a C program to input the number of years from the user and find the century. How to find century for given years in C programming. Logic to find century for a given year.

Input: 1970
Output : 20 century
Input: 1800
Output : 18 century

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#include <stdio.h>
void find_century(int years)
    // No negative value is allow for years
    if (years <= 0)
        printf("0 and negative is not allow for a years\n");
    // If years is between 1 to 100 it
    // will come in 1st century
    else if (years <= 100)
        printf("1st century\n");
    else if (years % 100 == 0)
        printf("%d%s",years/ 100, " century");
        printf("%d%s",years/ 100 +1, " century");
int main()
    int years;
    //Ask user to input number of years
    printf("Enter Years: ");
    scanf("%d", &years);
    return 0;



Enter Years: 2020
21 century

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