In line '500 IF NAMEINR ="***" THEN Average= Total Mark/N' of BASIC program, Total Mark and N are considered as
- An example of intermediate language is ?
- An assembly language is a
- Which of the following are language processors?
- A grammar for a programming language is a formal description of
- Which of the following is most general phase structured grammar?
- Context free language can be recognized by
- Which is not true about syntax and semantic parts of a computer language
- The term environment in programming language semantics is said as
- Which of the following grammars are not phase structured
- A grammar will be meaningless
- Any syntactic construct that can be described by a regular expression can also be described by a
- Context-free grammar (CFG) can be recognized by
- Indicate which of the following is not true about 4GL?
- The field that contains a segment index or an internal index is called
- What will be output of the following code?
- What will be output of the following c code? ( according to GCC compiler)
- What will be output of the following c code?
- What will be output of the following c code?
- Which of the following is integral data type?
- What will be output of the following c code?
- What will be output of the following c code?
- A compiler can check
- In analyzing the compilation of PL/I program ,the term “lexical analysis” is associated with
- In analyzing the compilation of PL/I program,the description creation of more optimal matrix is associated with
- Which of the following is not a source error ?
- A main procedural program contains modules. These modules are also called____________
- Programming languages are the tools that allow communicating between__________
- The actual text used to write the instructions for a computer program is called a_______________
- Language which have many types, but the type of every name and expression must be calculated at compile time are
- In some programming languages, an identifier is permitted to be a letter followed by any number of letters or digits. If L and D denotes the sets of letters and digits respectively, which of the following expressions define an identifier ?
- In COMAL language programs, parameters after name of procedure must be put in
- Programming language COBOL works best if used for
- In line "110 DIM num(10)" in BASIC language, 'Line 110' declares
- Statement "130 num(subs) = 2*subs-1" is an example of
- In high-level language COMAL, area is calculated as
- Data types are differed on basis of
- Function which is used in stepwise refinement of program is classified
- When divisions of decimals are involved in program, these numbers are stored in
- Programming languages such as COMAL and Pascal allow subroutine which is classified as
- Items of data help making its structure is classified as
- A special value placed at end of items data list is called
- A special quantity named in a program and its value can be changed is called
- In line "550 INPUT NUM: PRINT 6.9*NUM*NUM+27" of a BASIC program, 'PRINT and INPUT' is
- Whole numbers from '0' and all negative numbers are classified as
- In high-level language Pascal, area is calculated as
- In line "100 INPUT NUM" of a BASIC program, NUM is if chosen by programmer is classified as
- Type of statement written in sequence and are repeated until conditions met is classified as
- Size of an array is declared by
- In repeat-until loop 'UNTIL Option>0 and Option<8 AND INT(Option) = Option' , INT function is classified as
- Sequence of instructions that are carried out for a particular task is classified as
- Programming language 'FORTRAN' stands for
- In statement 110 IF Num = INT(Num) THEN PRINT "Whole number' "of BASIC language, built-in function is
- An instruction which tells assembler how to deal with whole program is classified as
- In COMAL language programs, variables in program procedure are declared local using
- Functions used in programs that are defined by programmers are called
- An assembler translates
- Name given by a programmer to some data is classified as
- Comments used to make program easier are also called as
- In line "100 INPUT NUM" of a BASIC program, 'INPUT NUM' is
- When variable used in program is whole number, variable is stored as
- Statement in BASIC language 150 IF A1=A2 THEN ComparisonINR ="EQUAL" is an example of
- To made program more easier to understand, programmers can
- In line '300 IF NAMEINR ="***" THEN Average= Total Mark/N' of BASIC program, "***" is classified as
- In programming, programmers used comments to
- Programming language 'COMAL' stand for
- In line '200 IF NAMEINR ="***" THEN Average= Total Mark/N' of BASIC program, NAMEINR is classified as
- Third component in algorithms is classified as
- Variable which uses same name in whole program and in its all routines thus best classified as
- Statement used to made choice between different options and only option is to be performed is written as
- In programming language BASIC, statement ends with REM are considered as
- Technique of using fixed words for machine code functions is classified as
- When there is range of numbers involved in a program, it can be stored as
- In unstructured programming language BASIC, program can be divided into the
- Type of program which can be run on different types of computer by making little changes into it is classified as
- In high level programming language Pascal, each program statement ends with the
- Program functions that are readily available to users of specific language are called
- Program routine which is used by one or more computer programs is classified as
- Variable with a restricted name in only one subroutine program is classified as
- In COMAL programming language, a WHILE loop must ends with
- When source program is translated it is classified as
- In Pascal and COMAL programming language, symbol ':=' is used for
- Main type of functions does not includes
- Programming language 'BASIC' is used for the
- 'object program' is also called
- In high level programming language, instructions used to supply value in an expression are classified as
- Data structure in which all elements have similar name is considered as
- Number of subscript which is attached to every element in array is classified as
- In programming language COMAL, symbol of '//' is used instead of
- COMAL language statement \'//PROGRAM : Input three numbers and print average//\' shows
- Computer programming language which is based on problems solved is called
- Loop which is tested at least once in case condition does not fulfilled is classified as
- First component in algorithms is
- In programming language BASIC, area is calculated as
- Program used for interactive computing is
- All numbers including decimals are classified as
- Loop statement used in program to continue repetition until some condition is met is classified as
- Group of all special characters such as digits and letters are classified as
- In programming a single instruction is classified as
- Program style and must be written in
- In line 100 INPUT NUM: PRINT 3.1*NUM*NUM+5" of a BASIC program, ' PRINT 3.1 and 5' are classified as
- A program which translates high level program into machine code is classified as
- If element in array has two subscripts, then array has
- Names used to identify a specific location and are invented by programmers are called
- In line "300 INPUT NUM: PRINT 4.2*NUM*NUM+17" of a BASIC program, '300' is
- In JMP PRNT command, JMP and PRNT respectively are classified as
- Statement in Comal language 'IF age >=18 THEN PRINT "Yes" ELSE PRINT "No" is an example of
- Programming language used to encourage logical thinking is classified as
- Statement which is treated as choice for a possible actions is classified as
- In line "750 INPUT NUM: PRINT 7.3*NUM*NUM+15" of a BASIC program, '7.3*NUM*NUM+15' is
- LDA is used instead of LOAD ACCUMULATOR and can be classified as
- In line '400 IF NAMEINR ="***" THEN Average= Total Mark/N' of BASIC program, AVERAGE is considered as
- Second component in algorithms is classified as
- Explanations at right side of mnemonics and symbolic addresses are called
- In COMAL language programs, procedures are defined between
- General term use for self-contained small set of instructions is referred as
- Computer language based on machine code is classified as
- In high level programming language BASIC, statements written with GOTO and IF commands are considered as
- Programming language 'COBOL' stands for
- Way data in program is to be set is called its
- A special quantity whose value does not change is classified as
- In BASIC language, '150 LET Area=Width*Length' , optional word is
- In structured programming language such as Pascal, operations is then refined using
- In high level programming language Pascal, END statement lasts with the
- In line "200 INPUT NUM: PRINT 5.8*NUM+5" of a BASIC program, 'PRINT 5.8*NUM+5" ' is
- Statement used to perform one of two possible actions is written as
- In COMAL language programs, procedures are usually executed by
- Word or set of letters that can be used to represent a specific function and are easily memorable is classified as
- High level language includes
- When data to be input is numeric in nature, data type in program is classified as
- Values that are passed between program and its called subroutine are classified as
- In line '500 IF NAMEINR ="***" THEN Average= Total Mark/N' of BASIC program, Total Mark and N are considered as
- In line "400 INPUT NUM: PRINT 5.6*NUM+10" of a BASIC program, 'NUM is
- In statement '100 LET N1 = LEN(AINR )' of BASIC language, built-in function is
- Control returns in calling program at correct place exactly fromControl returns in calling program at correct place exactly from
- Programming language that allows structuring of programs and data is
- Device used to translate programming language into machine code is classified as
- Statement which gives value to a variable is called
- Function which is placed between FOR statements and other repeated statements is classified as
- In statement \"After last mark enter -1\" in COMAL programming language, rogue value is
- Special character symbol '/' is used to indicate
- Loop which does not executed at all if it is tested at beginning is classified as
- Translation of assembly language into machine code is a task of
- Type of subroutines which are available to users of computer as default part of software is classified as
- In programming language, 'identifier' can be
- Rogue value in statement "140 PRINT "For each one type in name. Type '***,0,0' to finish" is
- Complier is used when data is to be processed in
- Examples of program routine are
- One or more numbers which helps distinguish elements in array is classified as
- A name which has some special meaning and significance for programmer is called
(a).set of integers
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