Which command is used for deleting the character on the left of the cursor?
belongs to collection: UNIX - VI EDITOR MCQ
- Commands inputted in command mode don’t appear on the terminal
- To clear the screen in vi editor, _____ is used
- vi commands are not case sensitive
- While entering text in input mode the data is saved in _____
- To quit vi editor without saving the buffer we can use
- The first UNIX editor was ____
- One of the most important features of vi editor is _______
- The “ed” text editor is no longer in use
- Which command is used for repeating the search in the same direction?
- Which command is used to reverse the direction of repeating the search?
- Substitution command is an ex-mode command
- Which of the following symbol is used for substitution command?
- Which of the following is a correct syntax for performing substitution on a file?
- We cannot leave the flag field empty while performing the substitution
- Which of the following commands can be used to replace ‘professor’ with ‘director’ throughout the whole file?
- Which of the following flag will be used for interactive substitution?
- Which one of the following commands will be used to delete all the instances of string ‘manager’ in file003?
- Which one of the following command is invalid?
- Search and replace operations can also use regular expressions for matching multiple patterns
- For yanking text, ___ is used
- For pasting text, ____ is used
- c operator is used for changing the text
- To change entire lines, ____ is used
- Which operator is used in vi to filter text?
- To delete from current cursor upto the first occurrence of }, which of the following will be used?
- The command df. will _____
- To yank from current cursor up to first occurrence of string str in reverse direction, we can use:
- The following command will_________
- The command c0 will change the text from current cursor to the end of line
- For returning back to the original file after switching we can use:
- When multiple filenames are used with vi, we can switch to next file using ___ command
- We can move back to the previous file using ____ command
- :r !date inserts the output of date command in our file
- To split the screen into multiple windows, we can use ____ command
- To create a new window, ____ can be used
- To remove all other windows except the current one, which of the following command is used?
- vi editor has ____ named buffers
- To restore a number of recent deletions, numbered buffers are used
- For restoring the contents of numbered buffers efficiently, ___ command is used
- To change the default tab stop spaces in vi, ___ can be used with :set
- Which command is used for mapping keys of keyboard?
- /* and f* are same
- For compiling a C program without leaving the editor, which command will be used?
- Which of the following statement is not true?
- The letter \"A\" (upper case) in ASCII code is
- Hexadecimal is a number system to the base
- If you open a Microsoft Word document with a Unix text editor you would see
- The first Unix editor was
- The \"vi\" editor is important to learn because
- The Vi editor when compared to word processors will seem
- The Vi editor has 2 separate modes
- To end insert mode and get to edit mode press
- The run control file in Vi is called
- Use the following command to save and exit from Vi
- The editor that is nearly as important as the Vi editor is
- Which of the following is not true about Emacs?
- In Emacs, where are the most recent commands stored?
- When using Emacs, you can have
- What 2 keys are commonly used by Emacs in combination with other keys to perform Emacs functions?
- Which is not a feature of the Pico editor?
- All Pico editor commands use which special key?
- The Joe editor is like a cross between
- Which is not a characteristic of Nedit?
- Which application software includes a word processor for Unix?
- Which editor is used by the UNIX system to edit files?
- What does the following command do?
- Which option is used by vi editor to open a file in read mode only?
- How many types of modes are used by vi editor?
- What is the default mode of vi editor?
- To insert text into a file, _____ mode is used
- ex mode is used for what purpose?
- Which one of the following key is used to switch from command mode to input mode?
- ____ key is used for switching to command mode from input mode
- Which of the following key is used to enter in ex-mode?
- ex-mode is used to save our work
- Input mode is used for ____________
- Which command is used to insert text before the current cursor location?
- Which command will be used to insert text at the beginning of the line?
- To append text after the current cursor location, we can use ____ command
- Which command appends text at the end of the current line?
- To replace a single character, we use ____ command
- vi automatically switches from command mode to input mode when we press ‘r’
- To replace all text on the right of the cursor position, we use ____ command
- Which one of the following command is used to replace a single character with many?
- To replace 5 characters with new characters, which one of the following will be used?
- To replace the entire line irrespective of cursor position, we can use ____ command
- After using ‘s’ or ‘S’, we are automatically left in insert mode
- Which command creates a space for entering a new line of text below the current cursor location?
- To create a space for entering a new line of text above the current cursor location, ‘O’ command is used
- Which of the following command is not used for entering or replacing text?
- To save the editing performed on a file, we have to switch to ______ mode
- Pressing ‘:’ in command mode invokes which mode of vi editor?
- To save a file and return to shell prompt, which one of the following command will be used in ex-mode?
- To save a file and remain in vi editor, which one of the following command will be used?
- After pressing ‘:w’, we can normally resume our editing work
- Which command is used for saving and quitting the editor simultaneously?
- Which of the following command is a substitute for ‘:x’ command?
- Which one of the following is the best way for saving and quitting the editor?
- Which command is used to abort the editing and quit the editing mode?
- Quit (:q) command doesn’t work if the buffer is unsaved
- Which of the following command will be used if we want to abort editing and quit the editor even if the buffer has been changed and not saved?
- In ex-mode, current line is represented by ___
- In ex-mode, last line is represented by ___
- ‘:w’ command can be used to write selected lines
- Which of the following command will be used to write the 4th line to file named file002?
- Which of the following is not a valid command?
- How can we escape to the UNIX shell without quitting vi editor?
- To return back to the editor from shell prompt we use _____ command
- vi editor stores most of its information in a hidden swap file
- To recover from a crash, we can use ____ command
- The following command will save the contents of the buffer and overwrites the contents of existing file
- For navigation purposes, the mode should be _____ mode
- Which of the following keys are used to moving the cursor up and down?
- Which of the following keys is used to moving cursor leftwards along a line?
- Which one of the following keys are used to moving cursor rightwards along a line?
- We can prefix the repeat factor with navigation keys (h, j, k and l)
- We can perform word navigation in vi editor
- Using ‘b’ command we can _____________
- Using ‘e’ command we can _____________
- Using ‘w’ command we can _____________
- We can prefix repeat factor with word navigation commands
- Which command is used for moving the cursor to the line extreme?
- ____ command moves the cursor to the end of next line
- Which of the following commands will move the cursor to the end of line number 30 if the current position of the cursor is line number 01?
- Which of the following control keys will be used for scrolling one page forward?
- We can scroll halve page using control keys
- To navigate 20 pages forward, we can use ______ command
- Which command is used to know the current line number?
- Which key is used for absolute movement?
- Which of the following commands of ex-mode is equivalent to ‘G’ command in command mode?
- Copying is referred to as yanking in vi editor
- Which key is used for deleting text?
- Which command is used for deleting a single character?
- Which command is used for deleting the character on the left of the cursor?
- Which of the following command is used to delete a single line?
- Which of the following commands will be used to delete 6 lines from the current cursor location?
- Which command is used for putting deleted lines or part of lines at a different location?
- Both ‘p’ and ‘P’ command puts text right/left or above/below on the basis of line deleted
- To copy (yank) lines in vi editor, we use ______ command
- To copy 10 lines from the current cursor location, we can use _____
- We can use ‘yy’ command for copy and paste operation
- Which command is used for joining lines?
- Which command will be used to join 4 lines with the current line?
- Which of the following undo a most recent single editing change?
- ___ command allows us to undo a number of changes that have been made to a single line before moving away from that line
- Which command is used to redo the changes made by the undo command?
- ‘10u’ command will reverse our 10 last editing actions
- Which symbol is used for repeating the last command?
- Which of the following symbols are used for searching a pattern in vi?
- ____ searches for a first instance of a pattern in forwarding direction
- ____ searches for a first instance of a pattern in the backward direction
- An operator can’t perform any function without being combined with a command or itself
- For deleting the line form current cursor to the end of the line, we can use:
- dw will ________
- To sort all lines from current cursor to end of line, ____ can be used
- Which of the following is not a valid operator-command combination?
- Which of the following command is used for switching files?
- The technique of restoring line deletions from numbered buffers is applicable only to entire lines
- vi used ___ to enter control characters
- To append contents of buffer to file01, we can use __________
- Which of the following is an invalid command?
- For searching a character, ___ and ___ are used
- For moving the cursor forward to the first occurrence of a character, __ is used
- t command positions the cursor a single character before the occurrence
- __ and __ commands works in a reverse manner as f and t
- For repeating the character search , and ; are used
- For customizing vi, which of the following command is used?
- vi environment is determined by variable settings. These variables are controlled by ____ command
- For automatic indentation, ____ is used with : set command
- Which of the following is used with :set to customize vi to ignore case in pattern searches?
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