Which option is used with pr command for printing multi-columnar output?
- Which option is used with pr command to display output along with line numbers?
- -h option is used with pr command to add a header of our choice
- ___ operator is used with pr command to start printing from a specific page
- Which command is used for displaying the beginning of a file?
- By default, how many lines are displayed using the head command?
- Which option is used with the head command to specify line count to display?
- ___ command is used for displaying the end of the file
- We can also use -n option with tail command
- Which symbol is used with the tail command to print the file from the selected line?
- Which of the following command is incorrect?
- To extract specific columns from a file, ____ command is used
- The expression cut -c -3 emp.lst will cut columns number _____
- ____ option is used with the cut command for cutting fields
- What is the default delimiter used by the cut command for cutting fields?
- Which option is used with the cut command for cutting field base on the value of our specified delimiter?
- We have to specify whether we want to cut fields or columns while using cut command
- The following command will produce an error
- Which one of the following commands is incorrect?
- Which command is used for pasting files?
- Whatever we have cut using cut command can be pasted back using paste command but vertically
- By default, sort command reorders lines in ASCII collating sequence
- Sort command uses ____ as default field delimiter
- Which option is used with sort command to specify the field delimiter?
- Which option is used for sorting a file according to primary key?
- The sort order can be reversed using ___ option
- We can perform sorting on secondary key also using sort command
- We cannot perform sorting on columns using sort command
- Which option is used when we’ve to sort files containing only numbers?
- _____ option is used with sort command for removing repeated lines
- Which option is used by the sort command to redirect the output to a specified file?
- To check whether the file has actually been stored in the default order, we can use ____ option
- Which option is used with sort command to sort multiple files collectively?
- Which option is used for selecting repeated entries?
- ______ option is used for counting frequency of occurrence
- The output of the following command will be:
- Which command is used for translating characters?
- To replace | with ~, which one of the following commands will be used?
- head -n 3 emp.lst | tr ‘[a-z]’ ‘[A-Z]’
- Which option is used with tr command for deleting characters?
- ______ option is used for compressing multiple consecutive characters
- If there are special characters in a pattern, then we’ve to enclose them in ______
- Which option is used with grep command for ignoring the case in pattern searching?
- Which option is used with grep command for deleting lines?
- Which option is used for displaying the line numbers containing the pattern along with lines?
- ______ option counts the number of lines containing the pattern?
- Which option displays only the filename containing the pattern?
- _____ option is used when we need to match multiple patterns in a single invocation of grep command?
- For taking patterns from a file, -f option is specified with grep command
- POSIX identifies regular expressions as belonging to ____ categories
- grep command supports both extended and regular expressions
- Character class is used for matching a group of characters enclosed within a pair of _____
- The following command will match ‘Agarwal’, ‘agarwal’ and ‘agrawal’
- Which of the following symbol is used for matching the immediate preceding character?
- Which symbol is used for matching a single character?
- Which of the following symbols are used for matching a pattern at specified locations?
- The following command will match the lines beginning with ‘2’
- Which of the following symbols are a set of ERE (extended regular expressions) ?
- Which option is used when we want to use an ERE with grep command?
- Which of the following symbols are used for matching multiple patterns?
- To perform context addressing, we have to enclose the pattern in ____
- To select lines containing gupta and agarwal, which command will be used?
- To write selected lines, ____ is used with sed
- Which built-in variable is used by the awk to specify the line numbers?
- What is the default delimiter used by awk?
- The printf function uses ___ for string data and ___ for numeric
- awk doesn’t use $ in evaluation or assignment of variables
- A user-defined variable is initialized to ____
- awk uses ___ operator for concatenating strings
- awk uses __ and __ as comparison operators
- awk allows the user to use variables of his own choice
- Which option is used for storing awk programs in a file?
- ____ section can be used if we’ve to print something after processing the last line
- awk uses ____ for providing comments
- Which of the following is a built-in variable for awk?
- FS defines the field separator
- Which built variable is used for defining the field delimiter in the output?
- The ____ variable stores the name of the file currently being processed
- Which of the following is not a built-in variable used by awk?
- awk supports the use of arrays
- Which of the following is not true about awk arrays?
- Which of the following is an associative array?
- Which function is used by perl for displaying the length of a string?
- ___ function returns the first occurrence of a character in a string
- For extracting a substring, ____ function is used
- substr function is also used to alter an existing string
- Which function is used by perl for reversing a string?
- Which function is used for handling substitutions in perl?
- Which escape character is used for identifying a word character?
- We can use find command for testing files with perl
- Which of the following is referred to as default variable?
- ___ operator is used for selecting current line number
- ___ is known as range operator
- The command @x=(1. .10) will assign first ten integer values to the array ‘a’
- The ___ prefix to an array name signifies the last index of the array
- For deleting the elements from the left of the array ___ function is used
- For deleting the elements from the right of the array ___ function is used
- To add elements to the left side of the array ____ function is used
- To add elements to the right side of the array ____ function is used
- Which function can combine the functionalities of push, pop, unshift and shift?
- Perl also supports use of for loop in the following manner
- For splitting a line or expression into fields, __ is used
- ___ function is used for joining lists
- perl is ____ of grep, tr, sed and awk
- The following will display :
- Filter’s are a category of commands that take the advantage of shell redirection feature
- Which command is used for preparing a file for printing?
- pr command adds ____ lines of margin at the top and bottom
- Which option is used with pr command for printing multi-columnar output?
- Which option is used with pr command to suppress the header and footers?
- Which option is used with the tail command for extracting bytes instead of lines?
- paste command uses space as the default field delimiter
- _____ option is used with paste command if we want to specify our own delimiter
- Which option is used with paste command for joining lines?
- ____ command is used for sorting a file on specified fields
- The name of the input and output files cannot be same while using sort command
- Which command is used for locating repeated and non-repeated lines?
- uniq command requires a sorted file as input
- Which option is used with uniq command for selecting non-repeated lines?
- Which one of the following command is used for searching for a pattern in one or more file(s)?
- Which one of the following is the correct syntax for grep command?
- Which one of the following command will be used for searching “director” in emp.lst?
- When the pattern is not found in a file, grep command silently returns the prompt
- grep command can be used for searching a pattern in more than one file
- Which of the following is not a subset of BRE (basic regular expression) character subset?
- Which of the following commands is known as stream editor?
- What is the correct syntax for using sed?
- Which one of the following command will be used for quitting after selecting 3 lines from file emp.lst?
- Which of the following command is used with sed for outputting as well as printing the selected lines?
- To suppress the behaviour of ‘p’ command, we use ____ option
- The command $ sed -n ‘$p’ emp.lst will display the last line
- Consider the following commands
- Which option is used with sed for using multiple instructions?
- ____ option is used for taking instructions from a file
- sed can also perform the substitution
- Which one of the following is the correct syntax for performing substitution using sed?
- Which one of the following command is used for replacing | with : globally?
- To replace the string ‘director’ in the first five lines of file emp.lst with ‘manager’ we can use _____
- Which of the following characters are used with sed as anchoring characters?
- What will be the function of the following command?
- Basic regular expressions are divided into ______ categories
- The interval regular expression uses the character _______
- Which one of the following command will be used for adding two spaces before every line in emp.lst?
- Which shortcut does sed offer to replace the string Linux with Red hat Linux?
- Which command will be used for selecting lines 3 to 10 from emp.lst?
- Which filter apart from perl, is the most powerful?
- Awk filter operates at field level
- Which of the following will be used to print lines containing ‘manager’ in emp.lst?
- The default action if selection_criteria is missing is ____
- For pattern-matching, awk uses regular expressions in ____ style
- awk uses ______ for splitting a line into fields
- ____ section can be used if we’ve to print something before processing the first line
- ____ function breaks up a string on the basis of delimiter
- For running a UNIX command within awk, we’ve to use ____ function
- sqroot(x) function returns the square root of x
- Which of the following is supported by awk?
- print statement is necessary for printing a line
- awk uses _____ dimensional arrays
- awk has some built-in functions which are used for arithmetic and string operations
- Which of the following is a built-in function for awk?
- The _____ function extracts a substring from a string
- awk makes a distinction between numeric and string variables
- Which one of the following is the most powerful filter?
- A perl program runs in a special interpretive mode
- To test whether perl is in your PATH, use ____
- It is often more convenient to save perl program files with ____ extension
- ___ function is used for removing the last character from the line
- perl variables have no type and no initialization
- When a string is used for numeral computations, perl converts it into ___
- If a variable is undefined, its value is ____
- Which of the following are concatenation operators?
- To repeat a string, perl uses ___ operator
- We can specify filenames in command line using perl
- For looping in a list, ____ is used
- Context switch changes the process mode from
- File x .c has 5 lines of code. The command
- We can specify the filename with ‘:w’ command
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