Which of the following is not true of the SSH tools?
belongs to collection: INTRODUCTION TO UNIX MCQ
- What are escape sequences?
- Which of the following is not a valid escape sequence in UNIX?
- Which command is used as an alternative to echo command?
- For what purpose bc command is used?
- script command is used for___________
- Which of the following is a valid option with script command?
- mailx command is used for sending and receiving emails
- Which of the following function cannot be performed by mailx command?
- Which of the following is not an internal command used by mailx?
- –h option is used with who command for what purpose?
- Two or more users can have same login name in the output of who command
- When backspace doesn’t work to erase characters, we can use _____
- For interrupting a command, we can use _____
- Ctrl-S stops scrolling of screen output and ________
- Which control unlocks the keyboard?
- Which command is used for killing a line?
- Unix is portable because it is written in
- The letters BSD represent
- Unix is gaining some popularity again because of
- One of the first software from the GNU project was
- The free software foundation was established because of
- The part of the Unix operating system that interacts with the hardware is called
- The man credited with starting Linux is
- FreeBSD is
- Which of the following people were not major factors in the development of Unix?
- Which are the major branches in the Unix family tree?
- The operating system controls
- Which of the following is not one of the 3 general components of the Unix operating system?
- The shell does the following in Unix
- \"bash\" is an example of a
- Links are
- Which of the following is not a component of a user account?
- The name of the Superuser is
- The Superuser can
- Who needs to possess the superuser account?
- To use a Unix system with a GUI you need this type of window to enter Unix commands
- Multiple Unix commands can be put into a file to form a program. This is called a
- To get to the on-line reference manual, you use this command
- The letters \"bash\" stand for
- To invoke \"bash\" you type
- The last character of the \"bash\" prompt is usually
- Command options
- The standard output device for Unix is
- The redirection symbol for output is
- There is redirection for
- Which one is not a characteristic of pipes
- It is good to learn the \"mail\" command because
- To end and send a message in \"mail\"
- Which of the following is not an Unix email program?
- Which is not an Unix web browser?
- Mozilla is
- Netscape is
- The World Wide Web has exploded in popularity
- This person is credited with developing the WWW
- Pine is an email program integrated with this text editor
- Which of the following commands cannot be issued through \"rsh\"?
- The \"rsh\" program can be used to
- Which is not an example of networking hardware?
- Telnet, rlogin, rsh, and rcp are loosing popularity because
- Which of the following is not true of the SSH tools?
- A network works by transmitting bits of information between machines called
- A Web page is usually sent
- The letters TCP/IP stand for
- Which of the following is a possible IP number?
- So that users do not have to remember IP numbers, names are associated with the IP numbers. This association is the job of the
- An example of a LAN network
- Which of the following is not a network topology?
- Most Ethernet networks use the
- Which topology is increasing in popularity?
- In an Ethernet network, which kind of cable is both affordable and widely used?
- Ethernet networks which use coaxial cable
- Which of the following is not true about the \"router\"
- Domain Name Servers are required to translate alphabetical machine names into
- A machine set up to access the internet can locate the Domain Name Servers through instructions set up in
- Ethernet
- What is UNIX?
- In which language UNIX is written?
- Which of the following is not a feature of UNIX?
- Which of the following is not a part of all the versions of UNIX?
- Which of the following is not true about UNIX?
- POSIX is a set of standards specified for establishing compatibility between operating systems
- Shell is a command interpreter used for interacting with a UNIX system
- Which part of the UNIX operating system interacts with the hardware?
- Two UNIX systems may or may not use the same set of system calls
- What is a superuser?
- What is the windowing system of UNIX known as?
- What are Commands?
- In how many categories, commands of UNIX operating system classified?
- Which command is used for extracting the details of the operating system?
- The sequences of directories that a shell searches while looking for a command is specified in the PATH variable
- Options are also arguments but begin with a –
- Which of the following is not a valid option of uname?
- How can we specify more than one command in the command line at the same time?
- Which command is used to display the documentation of commands in UNIX?
- Which command is used for displaying date and calendar in UNIX?
- What is the output of who command?
- What are meta-characters?
- Which command is used for displaying date in the format dd/mm/yyyy ?
- echo command is used for _________
- history command display the log of recently used commands
- Which command is used by the user to change their login password in UNIX?
- Which command handles a character stream by duplicating its input?
- We can use man command for displaying the documentation of man itself
- Pick the incorrect statement
- UNIX is
- Which of the following statements best explains a process?
- Kernel is not involved
(b).Only need to be running on the remote machine
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