You will create several files related to a recipe web site for a fictional pie company named Granny's Pies. You need to turn in the following files:
·index.html, the first of two web pages (with an optional CSS style sheet file)
·pie.html, the second of two web pages
·recipe.css, the style sheet for pie.html
The first part of your task is to create a front page (README)
for this web site, stored in a file named index.html. Your front page must contain a link to pie.html. The file must also be at least 20 lines long and must contain at least 4 different XHTML elements in its body. It also may not significantly borrow content from your pie.
html. Otherwise, this front page can have any appearance you like. If you like, you may use an optional CSS style sheet with this
page named index.css and submit it with your other files.
The second (and more substantial) part of the assignment is to recreate a specific web page describing a recipe for lemon meringue pie, stored in a file named pie.html. Unlike index.html, this page is rigidly specified and must exactly match the appearance specified in this
document. For full credit, your files must be uploaded to our web server and must match several stylistic guidelines, all specified in the following sections.

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