C++ Program For School Management System ( SMS Project ) With source Code
#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<iomanip> #include<fstream.h> #include<dos.h> using namespace std; struct marks_criteria { int sc_min,com_min,arts_min, seat_sc, seat_com, seat_arts; } crit; struct administrator { char user_name[10]; char password[10]; }admin; struct student { char name[20]; int regno,m_eng,m_math,m_sc,m_sst,m_lang; int pref_code, stream; // Sc=1, Com=2; Arts=3; public: void new_file(); void input_data(); void allot_stream(); int get_stream(); void display(); int show_per() { return((m_eng+m_math+m_sc+m_sst+m_lang)/5); } }; void welcome(); void menu(); int verify_password(); void assign_user(); void clear(); void input_criteria(); void read_criteria(); void read_student(); void create_eligible_sc(); void create_eligible_com(); void create_eligible_arts(); void read_eligible_sc(); void read_eligible_com(); void read_eligible_arts(); char * stream_name(int strm); void select_list( char *in_file, char *out_file); void thanks(); student s; main() { // clrscr(); welcome(); // cout<<"welcome"; fstream fin, fout; fstream fsc, fcom, farts; int opt=1, ch; while(opt!=8) { // clrscr(); clear(); cout<<"\n\t====================== MAIN MENU =======================\n"; cout<<"\n\t[1] CREATE / MODIFY ADMISSION CRITERIA(Administrator only)"; cout<<"\n\n\t[2] ENTER STUDENT'S DATA "; cout<<"\n\n\t[3] ALLOTMENT OF STREAM"; cout<<"\n\n\t[4] DISPLAY CRITERIA FOR SELECTION"; cout<<"\n\n\t[5] DISPLAY ALLOTMENT OF STUDENT'S STREAM"; cout<<"\n\n\t[6] DISPLAY ALL STUDENT'S REGISTERED"; cout<<"\n\n\t[7] CREATE / DISPLAY MERIT LIST"; cout<<"\n\n\t[8] QUIT"; cout<<"\n\t=============================================================\n"; cout<<"\n\n\t\tEnter your choice : "; cin>>opt; switch(opt) { case 1: int p; assign_user(); p=verify_password(); if(p==0) { input_criteria(); } else { cout<<"\n\tU R Not a Valid User."; cout<<"\n\tU Dont have the Authority to Create Question Bank. Bye\n\n"; } break; case 2: int option; //clrscr(); cout<<"\nWhat do u want --\n\n\n\n\n\tCreate a new student information file or Append to the existing file?\n\n\t(press 1 for new creation and 2 for appending)"; cin>>option; if(option==1) { s.new_file(); } else { s.input_data(); } break; case 3: //clrscr(); // read_student(); fin.open("student" ,ios::in|ios::out); fsc.open("elig_sc",ios::out); fcom.open("eligcom",ios::out); farts.open("eligart",ios::out); while(fin.read((char*)& s,sizeof(s))) { s.allot_stream(); s.get_stream(); //if(s.get_stream()==0) cout<<"\nApplication Rejected. Not Eligible\n"; if(s.get_stream()==1) fsc.write((char*)& s,sizeof(s)); if(s.get_stream()==2) fcom.write((char*)& s,sizeof(s)); if(s.get_stream()==3) farts.write((char*)& s,sizeof(s)); } fin.close(); fsc.close(); fcom.close(); farts.close(); cout<<"\n*******************************************"; cout<<"\n\n\tSTREAM ALLOCATION DONE."; cout<<"\n*******************************************"; break; case 4: read_criteria(); // clear(); cout<<"\n Sc : "<<crit.sc_min; cout<<"\n Com : "<<crit.com_min; cout<<"\n Sc : "<<crit.arts_min; break; case 5: cout<<"\n Enter 1 for Sc, 2 for Com, 3 for Arts : "; cin>>ch; if (ch==1) read_eligible_sc(); if (ch==2) read_eligible_com(); if (ch==3) read_eligible_arts(); break; case 6: //clrscr() ; read_student(); break; case 7: { char c; int k=1; cout<<"\n****************************************"; cout<<"\n****************************************"; cout<<"\n M E R I T L I S T"; cout<<"\n =================="; cout<<"\n\tEnter 1 for MERIT LIST SCIENCE "; cout<<"\n\tEnter 2 for MERIT LIST COMMERCE "; cout<<"\n\tEnter 3 for MERIT LIST ARTS \t"; cout<<"\n****************************************"; cout<<"\n****************************************"; cin>>k; if (k==1) { select_list("elig_sc","sell_sc"); fin.open("sell_sc",ios::in); } if (k==2) { select_list("eligcom","sellcom"); fin.open("sellcom",ios::in); } if (k==3) { select_list("eligart","sellart"); fin.open("sellart",ios::in); } if(k>=1 && k<=3) { while(fin.read((char*)& s,sizeof(s))) { s.display(); cout<<"\n\t Continue (y/n)?"; cin>>c; if(c=='n') break; } } fin.close(); fin.close(); fin.close(); break; } case 8: thanks(); // cout<<"\nTHANKS BYE "; // exit(0); break; } } } // END OF WHILE void assign_user() { strcpy(admin.user_name, "rimi"); strcpy(admin.password, "rimi"); } int verify_password() { char u_name[10]; char u_pwd[10],temp[2]; int x=1; cout<<"\n\n Enter user name : "; cin>>u_name; cout<<"\n\n Enter Password : "; cin>>u_pwd; x=strcmp(admin.user_name,u_name); if (x==0) { x=strcmp(admin.password,u_pwd); } cin.getline(temp,2); return(x); } void student::allot_stream() { int per=(m_eng+m_math+m_sc+m_sst+m_lang)/5; read_criteria(); switch(pref_code) { case 1: if(per>=crit.sc_min) stream=pref_code; else stream=0; break; case 2: if(per>=crit.com_min) stream=pref_code; else stream=0; break; case 3: if(per>=crit.arts_min) stream=pref_code; else stream=0; break; } } int student::get_stream() { return(stream); } void input_criteria() { fstream fout; fout.open("criteria" ,ios::in|ios::out); cout<<"\nEnter the required marks for SCIENCE stream(in percentage)"; cin>>crit.sc_min; cout<<"\nEnter No. of Seats for SCIENCE stream"; cin>>crit.seat_sc; cout<<"\nEnter the required marks for COMMERCE stream(in percentage)"; cin>>crit.com_min; cout<<"\nEnter No. of Seats for COMMERCE stream"; cin>>crit.seat_com; cout<<"\nEnter the required marks for ARTS stream(in percentage)"; cin>>crit.arts_min; cout<<"\nEnter No. of Seats for ARTS stream"; cin>>crit.seat_arts; fout.write((char*)& crit,sizeof(crit)); fout.close(); } void read_criteria() { fstream fin; fin.open("criteria" ,ios::in); fin.read((char*)& crit,sizeof(crit)); fin.close(); } void student::input_data() { //clrscr(); fstream fin; fin.open("student",ios::app|ios::out); char t[2], ans; while(1) { cout<<"\nEnter the name of the student : "; cin>>name; cout<<"\n\nEnter the roll of the student : "; cin>>regno; cout<<"\n\nEnter marks in eng : "; cin>>m_eng; cout<<"\n\nEnter marks in math : "; cin>>m_math; cout<<"\n\nEnter marks in science : "; cin>>m_sc; cout<<"\n\nEnter marks in sst : "; cin>>m_sst; cout<<"\n\nEnter marks in language : "; cin>>m_lang; cout<<"==================STREAM PREFERED?================ \n"; cout<<"\t"<<"[1] for SCIENCE\n"; cout<<"\t"<<"[2] for COMMERCE\n"; cout<<"\t"<<"[3] for ARTS "; cout<<"\n================================================= \n\tENTER PREFERENCE CODE : "; cin>>pref_code; stream=-1; fin.write((char*)&s,sizeof(s)); cin.getline(t,2); cout<<"\n\tEnter More Student ? (y/n)"; cin>>ans; if (ans=='n') break; } fin.close(); } void student::new_file() { //clrscr(); fstream fin; fin.open("student",ios::out); char t[2], ans; while(1) { cout<<"\nEnter the name of the student : "; gets(name); cout<<"\n\nEnter the roll of the student : "; cin>>regno; cout<<"\n\nEnter marks in eng : "; cin>>m_eng; cout<<"\n\nEnter marks in math : "; cin>>m_math; cout<<"\n\nEnter marks in science : "; cin>>m_sc; cout<<"\n\nEnter marks in sst : "; cin>>m_sst; cout<<"\n\nEnter marks in language : "; cin>>m_lang; cout<<"==================STREAM PREFERED?================ \n"; cout<<"\t"<<"[1] for SCIENCE\n"; cout<<"\t"<<"[2] for COMMERCE\n"; cout<<"\t"<<"[3] for ARTS "; cout<<"\n================================================= \n\tENTER PREFERENCE CODE : "; cin>>pref_code; stream=-1; fin.write((char*)&s,sizeof(s)); cin.getline(t,2); cout<<"\n\tEnter More Student ? (y/n)"; cin>>ans; if (ans=='n') break; } fin.close(); } void student::display() { cout<<"\n============================================\n"; cout<<"\n\tNAME : "<<name; cout<<"\n\tREGISTRATION NO. : "<<regno; cout<<"\n\tPERCENTAGE OF MARKS : "<<( (m_eng+m_math+m_sc+m_sst+m_lang)/5)<<"%"; cout<<"\n\tSTREAM APPLIED FOR : "<<stream_name(pref_code); // cout<<"\n\tSTREAM ALLOTED : "<<stream_name(stream); cout<<"\n============================================\n"; } void read_student() { fstream fin; char c; fin.open("student" ,ios::in); while(fin.read((char*)& s,sizeof(s))) { s.display(); cout<<"\n\tPress any no. to continue "; cin>>c; cout<<"\n"; } fin.close(); } void read_eligible_sc() { char ans; fstream fout; fout.open("elig_sc",ios::in); fout.seekg(0); while(fout.read((char*)& s,sizeof(s))) { s.display(); cout<<"\n\t Continue (y/n)? "; cin>>ans; if (ans=='n') break; } fout.close(); } void read_eligible_com() { char ans; fstream fout; fout.open("eligcom",ios::in); while(fout.read((char*)& s,sizeof(s))) { s.display(); cout<<"\n\t Continue (y/n)? "; cin>>ans; if (ans=='n') break; } fout.close(); } void read_eligible_arts() { char ans; fstream fout; fout.open("eligart",ios::in); while(fout.read((char*)& s,sizeof(s))) { s.display(); cout<<"\n\t Continue (y/n)? "; cin>>ans; if (ans=='n') break; } fout.close(); } void clear() { // for(int i=1;i< =24;i++) // cout<<"\n"; } char * stream_name(int strm) { switch(strm) { case -1: return("Not assigned"); // break; case 0: return("Nill"); // break; case 1: return("Science"); // break; case 2: return("Commerce"); // break; case 3: return("Arts"); // break; default: return("None"); } } void select_list( char *in_file, char *out_file) { fstream sel, fin; int n=0, i,j; student sl[100], t; sel.open(out_file, ios::out); fin.open(in_file,ios::in); while(fin.read((char*)& sl[n],sizeof(s))) { n++; } cout<<"\nNo of Eligible Students = "<<n<<"\n"; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { for(j=i+1;j<=n;j++) { if ( sl[i].show_per()<sl[j].show_per()) { t=sl[j]; sl[j]=sl[i]; sl[i]=t; } } } for(i=0;i<n;i++) { sel.write((char*)& sl[i],sizeof(s)); } sel.close(); fin.close(); } void welcome() { //clrscr(); int z; cout<<"\t%% %% "; cout<<"\n\t%% %% %%%%%%% %% %%%%%% %%%%%% %%%% %%%% %%%%%%%"; cout<<"\n\t%% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %%% %% %% "; cout<<"\n\t%% %% %% %%%%% %% %% %% %% %% %%% %% %%%%% "; cout<<"\n\t%% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% "; cout<<"\n\t%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%% %%%%%%% %%%%%%% %%%%%% %% %% %%%%%%% "; cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t $$$$$$$$ $$$$$ "; cout<<"\n\t\t\t $$ $ $ "; cout<<"\n\t\t\t $$ $$$$$ "; cout<<"\n\n\n\tCOMPUTER PROJECT (******** ON STREAM ALLOCATION *******)"; cout<<" \n\n\n\t\t press any number and 'ENTER' to continue: "; cin>>z; // getch(); } void thanks() { int w; //clrscr(); cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t********** T H A N K Y O U F O R W O R K I N G *******"; cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t Press Any Number And Then 'ENTER' to exit"; cin>>w; }
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