
Write a C program to calculate compound Interest


Write a C program to calculate compound Interest

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int main()
     float amount, rate, intrest, time, ci, a;

     /*Reading amount, rate of intrest
       and period in years from user
     printf("Type the amount : ");
     scanf("%f", &amount);
     printf("Type the interest rate : ");
     scanf("%f", &rate);
     printf("Type the period in years: ");
     scanf("%f", &time);

     intrest = 1+(rate/100);

     // ci=pow(intrest,time);
     ci = 1;
     for(a = 1; a <= time; a++)
        ci = ci * intrest;

     ci = amount * ci - amount;

     printf("Your compound interest is : %.2f", ci);

     return 0;


Type the amount : 5000

Type the interest rate : 10

Type the period in years: 1

Your compound interest is : 500.00

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