
PHP program to demonstrate the final keyword

belongs to collection: PHP Classes & Objects Programs


Here, will create a class that contains a final method Method(), and as we know that we cannot override a final method, that's why it will generate a syntax error.

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Program/Source Code:

The source code to demonstrate the final keyword is given below. The given program is compiled and executed successfully.

//PHP program to demonstrate the final keyword.
class ParentClass
    final public function Method()
        printf("Parent::Method() called<br>");
class Child extends ParentClass
    final public function Method()
        printf("Child::Method() called<br>");

$ChildObj = new Child();


PHP Fatal error:  Cannot override final method ParentClass::Method() 
in /home/main.php on line 16


In the above program, we created a class that ParentClass that contains a method, which is declared as final, and then we inherited the ParentClass into Child class and override the method, but as we know that we cannot override a final method, that's why above program will generate a syntax error.


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PHP Classes & Objects Programs

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